Letter 30

272 20 2

Dear Everyone,

I guess this is it. This is the last one. This is where I finally tell you guys that it's 100% true, I'm not coming back, ever. It's a little scary but you all know me. I like to do things that scare everyone, including myself. I'm not sure if this one will be the longest or the shortest, but either way it's one that may be filled with the most regret and sincerity. What's crazy to think as all this happened, and my world came crumbling down it's really only been about 3 years of my life. The whole situation with mom and dad was like forever but everything else was only in these past few years. All the backstabbing, cheating and lies. That's really fucking messed up. It's weird because some say I'm not the real victim here, because I just left and left this giant hole in your hearts (not like you have one anyway) but I think it's pretty sick that you people drove me this mad. You drove me this far and this is what I decided would be the only okay thing to do. I guess in the end maybe I'm not that sorry but maybe you should feel remorse for what you did. But I guess in the end all the loose ends where tied up and that's all that matters right? In the end maybe I might get to be in my wonderland, or neverland perhaps, you know with the whole situation.

Love Always, Amelia

P.S. The word I was looking for was Zugzwang, where nothing gets better to you are eventually defeated.

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