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"Today marks the 4 year disappearance of up and coming young movie actress, Amelia Hendrix, who was only 16 at the time," an old photo pops up of the young brown hair, hazel eye girl smiling," left a series of what was thought to be suicide notes but no body was ever recovered to help support the evidence. Some are saying it was used to leave the lifestyle and that was the only way out, others speculate someone close, knows what really happened. Well Hollywood, looks like we can keep this mystery open for most likely another year. Coming up after the break, Slick Hit, hits rock bottom? More to come."

I turn off the T.V. and climb into the warm queen bed. Rolling over to my side I see the ocean and the calming sounds of waves rolling in tucks me in. Before I give into sleep I feel around my neck for the locket. Slowing drifting into a deep needed sleep, my fingers run over the engrave name, Amelia Hendrix.

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