Letter 29

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Dear Jedi,

This might be my longest confession yet. There is so much I want to tell you. There are so many things I wish you knew. Like for starts I never once had the nerve to talk to but I dreamt about it so often. I dreamt about you. You were, I can't say if you still are, the perfect all American high school golden boy, I don't know if I used enough clichés in that sentence, but I tired. Cause that is what you are, a cliché. You had the blonde hair, blue eyes, and that smile. That smile killed me. You didn't smile often but when you did, god damn I swear it lite up the entire town. And you had this charm about you, different from others, you loved everybody and everybody loved you. You had this way that made everyone feel at ease but me. Whenever you got near me my heart would race, I hoped my face didn't turn red, I tried to speak but I couldn't because I just babbled because my brain was moving a million miles a minute. My palms got sweaty and man I wanted to kiss you with every ounce of my power. But I never did. And looking back and where I am now maybe I'm glad I didn't. But to the most repetitive part of almost every single letter, I'm sorry I'm telling you about it like this.

Love Always, Me

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