A Taste Of Freedom

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As I laid with my head in the fluffy pillows, I drew the covers up to my chin, planning to get a good few hours sleep. This is why I like shore days, I was left alone. Unfortunately, it didn't last long as my room door was slammed open.

Blinking rapidly to clear the dark spots which scarred my vision, I could only make out a black figure. Anger fought away any remaining emotions, and I picked up the tissue stuffed shoes beside my bed and launched them at the incredulous intruder. Secretly, I hoped it was Smee as his face would be priceless, but if it was Hook... Suddenly my bravado faltered.

A shriek pierced the air as the figure immediately collapsed to the floor, rubbing their eyes and then grasping for a sword at their belt. All the while muttering something about flying footwear.

Wait- Hook didn't always carry a sword at his belt. More to the point, Hook didn't go around shirtless.

Unknowingly, I had grabbed the covers and hid behind them, obviously unable to move, just like I hadn't been able to for the past week now.

I kept my eyes on the man I was beginning to recognise, as he gracelessly arose, stumbling to his feet. Finally, his eyes stared straight into mine.

Questions swirled behind my eyes as he said my name. "Alyssa."

Usually, in books or movies, this is when the protagonist falls to the hero's feet and weeps gratefully.

Yeah, that wasn't me, as realistically, I was the one who had been stuck here.

As Harley slowly walked up to me, I looked straight into his eyes, again, with time frames swirling around my mind.

I'd been here weeks. Almost months. And now he decides to show?

I'd rather take my chances with the crocodile.

Harley was the one who had abducted me here, where I was then taken by Hook.

Anger didn't describe what was flowing through my veins.

Slowly, he knelt by my bed, and a grin lit his features as he tried to speak "Al-"

I cut him off before he could begin his excuses. "Finally thought to show up have you? Days, weeks, months i've been stuck here. Waiting and begging for someone, anyone, to come help me. And you come in with some goofy smirk and expect everything to be alright?"

Somewhere throughout my statement, a sob had ripped itself free from the wall I had built around my emotions.

The smile across his features faltered, and he took a calming breath. "Look, I understand that you'll be angry, but I had duties-"

"Duties?!" I screamed in his face. "Lets start with one of them, how about the girl you abduct here, and leave her with some uncle who decides to make her life a living hell?!"

My blood was boiling by this point, and I'd already thrown the shoes, so I picked up the next object that my hands could find. A pillow, still warm from my body heat.

Gripping the feather stuffed pillow, I swung it with all my might.


The only reaction I had from Harley was that he raised his eyebrows at my smug expression, as he climbed onto the bed to wrestle the pillow out of my hands.

In my weakened state I couldn't put up much of a fight, so it ended with Harley straddling my hips, with his hands brushing my wrists keeping me from the pillow.

My ragged breaths were the only sounds in the room as I stared into those eyes which reflected the ocean.

I kept my eyes locked on his, as his fingers began to brush my wrists.

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