"Destined to Die."

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when i posted the last chapter i had the most evilest smile on my face. cause i just knew you'd all be like "whaaaaat!!! noooooo!!! perci can't die!!!"
and I know it's super nasty, but I laughed so hard with y'alls reactions.
must be a sociopath or must be because I knew what was gonna happen...
was it the fact that Perci died that made you guys all upset?
or that I included a flashback to do with Bob and Zoe?
tell me.

twenty two

As though they were being summoned, three flashes of light that made the two mortals shield their eyes, appeared. Three old ladies stepped out of the golden beams, and Thor shot them a killing look, "Why would you do this? Give her to me, only to take her away?"

In sync, the women shook their heads and spoke as one, "She was destined to die, young Prince."

Thor's fists clenched, a hateful sneer on his face, "I love her!!"

"Her death would transform her." Their ethereal whispers silenced him.

This time he frowned, confused, while Captain America and Iron Man stood off to the side, feeling a little uncomfortable and out of place.

"I do not understand."

"She must take our place." In the blink of an eye, the Fates were each touching her forehead at the same time, "Rise, Persephone Jackson, Daughter of Poseidon. Goddess of Life and Fate."

At the last of their words, the Fates slowly faded, while Perci's tan skin started to glow a brilliant gold.

Thor felt Godly power radiate from her and looked on in amazement when she shifted in his arms, her silver breastplate and black tights gone. The woman now wore a silk white toga with a gold belt. Her raven coloured hair styled with gold ties and a simple wreath. Golden knee-high sandals had replaced her black heels.

A puff of air escaped her mouth before Perci scrunched up her nose, "It's a Saturday, Mum. Five more minutes."

The God gave a burst of booming laughter, "Persephone you are not at home in your bed."

The newly made Goddess peaked out of one sea green eye, now speckled with gold, "Thought I told you to call me Perci."

Thor chuckled and rested his forehead on hers, "And I do believe I said, 'Never my Lady.' Others may call you that, but I shall not."

The black haired woman groaned and poked her fiancé in the cheek. She then blew a raspberry, "Help me up, Thor, the gravel's digging into my spine."

He obliged, pulled her up then swept her off her feet, carrying her bridal style.

Perci lightly punched his armoured chest and pouted, "Not what I meant."

The God only chuckled.

Tony then spoke up, rubbing his gloved hands together, unintentionally making the Goddess wince at the sound, "Alright. Hey. Alright. Good job guys. Let's just not come in tomorrow. Let's just take a day. Have you ever tried shwarma? There's a shwarma joint about two blocks from here. I don't know what it is, but I wanna try it."

Thor glanced to the billionaire, reluctantly tearing his eyes away from Perci, "We are not finished yet."

Iron Man nodded solemnly, "And then shwarma after."


Still, in Thor's arms, Perci couldn't help but think of how safe she felt. How strange it was to feel like she didn't need to be on guard. To feel warm and protected. Even at camp, Perci had the need to be vigilant and strong for everyone. Be the shoulder to cry on and the ear to listen to other demigods' problems.

Now the Daughter of Poseidon could let everything go and have no weight on her shoulders. As Thor had said, it wasn't over yet, therefore they were all trekking towards Tony's tower. They could be flying, but hey, they were all exhausted. But Perci wasn't really paying attention, she was focusing her sea green eyes on the square, blond stubbled jaw right next to her face.

She laid her cheek on Thor's broad shoulder, just listening to his breathing. The rise and fall calmed her, the pain of becoming a goddess sending slight tremors through her body. Being pressed against the hard chest of her fiancé, however, dulled the throbbing pain.


From the corner of his blue eyes, Thor could see his betrothed studying his face. A small smirk graced his lips when she buried her face into his shoulder. Thor could feel that her silken toga had ridden up a few inches from above her knee. Unable to help himself, the blond began to trace small circles on her bare thigh with his thumb.

To comfort her or to comfort him? That she was alive and breathing and not lying lifeless in the middle of the street in his lap. No, Persephone was in his arms, as she should be.

Inwardly, Thor grinned smugly when he felt goosebumps on her flesh. And if the hitch in her breath meant anything, his Queen didn't mind.


Thor had had a very boring and tiring day.

Performing princely duties, left, right and centre and now the God wanted nothing more than to hold his wife in his arms. Just listening to her breathing could calm him. The glow and heat of her soft skin against his made him feel good and happy again.

Having entered their chambers, yes, their chambers, Thor found them empty with a pout. The blond sighed and dropped onto his back on the gold silk sheets. He must've fallen asleep, because when he next opened his eyes, day had become night.

Thor sat up when he heard the opening and shutting of the doors, a smile on his face to see his Lady. That happiness became worry when Persephone had a look of panic on her face, biting her thumb nail. Even her bright glowing skin was a bit dull.

"What is it, my Lady?"

The Goddess jumped at his voice, then bit her lip upon seeing him.

"What is wrong?" Thor asked again.

Persephone gulped and cautiously approached him, until she was standing between his legs, them inches apart, "I just went and saw Frigga this today."

Nodding, Thor took hold of her hands and held them tightly to comfort her, "About your sickness every morning?"

The ravenette looked him in the eyes, her sea green orbs flecked with gold. She hummed a yes and he took hold of a curl that had fallen over her shoulder.

He tugged it gently, "Tell me, Seph. Please. The two of us can handle it together."

A small smile graced her lips before she murmured, "But that's the thing, Thor,"

The God's brow furrowed with confusion when the Daughter of Poseidon moved his hands, making them both caress her stomach.

"Two is about to become three."

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