"Running After Fucking Toddlers."

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All the SHIELD agents scattered when the two came to a stop. They slowly stood, eyeing each other. The Hulk glared and waited for the God to make his first move.

Ducking through the hole that effortlessly torn in the wall, Perci found Bruce and Thor barking and biting at each other like dogs, "You idiots!"

The green beast swung his fist at Thor, who dodged and slammed his own into Bruce's jaw. He stumbled back and roared, once again throwing his hands out to smack the small annoying blond thing.

This time, Thor caught his arm and wrapped it around the Other Guy's back, "We're not your enemies, Banner! Try to think!"

But he was lifted up to face the Hulk and was punched in the face, sending crashing into a stack of crates.

Perci turned to the Big Guy, "Bruce, hey. Look at me calm down."

But he completely ignored her, racing after the God.

She threw her hands up, huffing, "Running after fucking toddlers."


Thor felt something warm drip from his nostril and touched it. His fingers came back stained with red and smirked. He looked up to hear the roars of the Hulk closing on him.

The God's left hand flew out, focused. The guttural bellows were getting louder as the blond's hand strained, his brow tense with concentration.

Finally finding him, the green-skinned ball of anger bolted at him and right as he was about to stomp on Thor, Mjölnir flew into his hand.

Swinging the hammer up, it crashed in the Hulk's jaw, throwing him into a fighter jet.

Slightly confused, Banner growled and stood, before ripping the tail end of the jet of and hurled the massive plate at Thor. Who slid on his knees under it.

Perci appeared again, trying to stop them and both looked to her. But before she could say anything, the God launched the hammer at the green giant, it flying past his head. The Hulk grabbed it mid-air but was dragged back with it.

Hitting the ground, he growled, trying to lift it, but failing. Banner roared again as he struggled, but was cut short when kneed in the face by Thor.

The blond grabbed his hammer, and threw himself at Bruce, holding the handle to his throat pulling him into a chokehold. The Other Guy twisted and turned, to grab the God, trying to yank him off. He jumped up, through the floor and Perci quick to follow, like always.

Finally grabbing hold of Thor, he and the God continue to fight, the demigoddess dodging every so often. The whine of an approaching jet caught their attention.

Target engaged. Target acquired.

Thor launched himself at Perci, holding her to the ground with his own body as bullets fill the room, aiming the Hulk. He bellowed at the jet and leapt at it.

The blond looks down at her, "Are you alright, My Lady?"

She let out a deep breath, "Yeah. Yeah, totally. I had fun. You?"

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