"Only If Sally Makes It."

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okay, I got bored. no more. I'm done. finished. kaput.



It had been two years since the Summer Solstice Ball, eighteen months since her dream about Loki and six months since she'd last seen Thor. She was a little hurt that he'd left her, without a word.

Her friends had very separate reactions to her engagement.

Annabeth was furious that the Gods had pushed Perci into such a situation.

Hazel was quiet about the whole thing, honestly not knowing what to think.

Piper felt conflicted. She wanted to fangirl and help pick out a dress. But she also felt a pinch of pity about having to marry someone her friend didn't even know.

Frank was completely shocked that the Gods were using Perci, actually, maybe he shouldn't be. It was the kind of thing the Gods do.

Leo was being gross about the whole thing, teasing her, waggling his eyebrows and poking her in the ribs with his elbow. Stopped, when she broke his nose.

Jason was jealous. But he felt guilty because of his jealousy. Piper didn't deserve that.

Everything people have said, however, has just gone in one ear and out the other. Exhaustion must have taken hold of her because she just wanted to sleep. But when she did, Perci would have flashes of vivid pictures, almost like a short movie.

Like that one at Montuak.

Ever since that dream, or should she call it a nightmare? Perci kept having different ones, of things that hadn't happened yet.

One night, when the sky was stormy and lightning forked from the almost black clouds, her visions met an all-time weird.


Perci was leaning against a gigantic tree, sitting on the greenest grass she'd ever seen. She was surrounded by a selection of flowers she'd never seen before in her life and wearing a beautiful golden dress. There was a shift of weight in her lap, drawing her attention.

Settled on her thigh, was a certain blond haired God, his eyes closed and features serene and stress-free.

With no control over her actions, her hand threaded through his soft hair, causing the God to smile. He opened his eyes, revealing bright blue orbs, "My Lady."

Without even thinking about it, Perci's face broke into a small smile. Thor raised a hand to caress the large bump on her stomach, "How do you fair?"

She leant forward and kissed him with such passion and love, it made them both breathless. Perci leaned back against the tree and smiled at him again.

"What was that for?"

"Do I need a reason to kiss my husband? To kiss the only man I will ever love?"

The Son of Odin grinned devilishly and pulled her heavily pregnant body into his lap, "I suppose not."

They kissed again, gold rings shining brightly on their third left fingers.


This time Perci woke with a bright red face, blushing to know that she and Thor...would dance the horizontal tango.

She couldn't help but feel flustered and wondered why, in the dream, she felt a sense of power. Not Thor's.

Her own but stronger, like it was overflowing her body and coursing through her veins. Strange. And she was even having these dreams, to begin with. Yes, demigods had dreams, but this...

Perci threw off the covers of her bed and walked into the kitchen to find Sally at the stove, making blue pancakes. A small smile graced her face. But it dropped suddenly.

If she were to marry Thor, then would she ever see her mother ever again?


Sally hummed, then turned to face her daughter. Her silvery brown hair, though tied into a braid, stray hairs stuck up all over the place, like she was the one who had just woken up, "Yes hun?"

"Can I help you with breakfast?"

The older woman must've heard the small bit of sadness in her voice because she smiled in an effort to make her daughter feel better. It worked.

"Of course sweetheart."

Perci smiled again.


Perci had a sudden skip in her step that morning, as she walked up to the front door. Her demigod senses were going off like crazy. Subconsciously, she knew something was about to happen.

The doorbell had rung once and never in her whole time living with her mother had that ever happened. Whenever her friends came to visit, they'd either press it repeatedly or just hold onto it, the bell continuously ringing until it made you want to kill the visitor.

Perci swung the door open to find a certain man in a black suit standing there with his hands holding a pair of sunglasses and wearing a small smirk. The demigoddess tilted her head, her eyebrows raised, "Agent Phil Coulson." She leaned against the door frame, her arms crossed, "How can I help you this fine evening?"

The agent looked at her with mild amusement, before shaking his head slowly, "I need your help."

Perci gasped, dramatically holding a hand up to kind of hide her mouth.

Hey, being dramatic runs in the family.

"Me? A Son of Athena needs a Daughter of Poseidon's help? What has the world come to?!"

He rolled his eyes and one of the two agents behind him snorted. Coulson always made sure he had demigod agents with him. He trusted them and they trusted him.

The agent who snorted was a Legacy of Ares and the other a Son of Mercury.

"You do know you now have her favour after everything you did for my little sister."

It was the young woman's turn to roll her eyes, "What do you need?"

"Your help to find and capture Thor's brother."

Her eyebrows rose, "I thought he was dead."

"Why would you think that?"

Perci sighed, "Come in, Phil." The demigoddess moved to the side, letting him and the other two agents in, "You want a coffee?"

"Only if Sally makes it. You burn the coffee."

She scoffed, "Thanks. Mum!! Phil's here!!"

Sally looked out from the kitchen's doorway, wiping her hands on a tea towel, "Phil! Hello, it's good to see you."

"You too, Mrs Jackson."

The older woman smiled softly, "I just made cookies, do you want one?"

The agent smiled widely, "I would, thank you."

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