So it begins...

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Sam walked out and into the hospital yard. (BTW its like a really small hospital so...) Her head hurt like hell but she didn't care. All she thought about was to get away from this hell so called a hospital.

God damn it! I'm so sick of these jokers! I am done! She thought.

Her head then suddenly starts hurting even more than before. "AUGH!" Sam got so dizzy she fell over.


PSH stupid bitch, like I'm going to go anywhere.

with that last thought she blacked out.


Sam woke up but in the middle of nowhere. It was just a room of darkness. But a door suddenly rises out of the ground. "What the...?" Sam thought.

She walked over to the door and grabbed the door knob but yelped and pulled away. The knob was as hot as the devils ass!

"Ow!" Sam's voice echoed. The door opened all by itself suddenly. She peered in and was....surprised....

there stood her memories she has been having these past days.

"What the fuck?" The door then EXPLODED!!!!

Sam ducked down and as soon as it stopped raining damn door pieces. She got up but felt dizzy and her brain going numb. She staggered around but the floor turned into a black hole, ending the dream.


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