Dad strikes (memory)

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I am soo sorry if the last chapter wasn't good and just...stupid. But this chapter will make up for it!

I promise ;D


Sammy fell asleep after the nurse replaced the blood covered bandage with a new one. It actually felt cozy then again hot and sweaty on her forehead. Her jet black bangs were messy on her forehead, not mentioning they were wet from sweat. But she wishes she never fell asleep, just another horrid memory, the first time her dad first hit her.

12 year old Sam was doing the dishes like her Dad had told her to. But when she was carrying a plate to the cupboard it was still wet. It slipped right through her wet and hot hands and made a crashing noise, loud and, for some reason, pleasing to Sam. "What the hell?!" Sammy then put a scared and sorry look on her face. Her father came bursting through the small kitchen to find a shattered plate underneath a quivering Sammy. "SAM! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?! YOU BROKE ONE OF MY FANCY PLATES!"  Sammy was about to say I'm sorry when he slapped her right acrost the face! She has never been hit before so she fell down onto the glass cutting her face, hands, and neck. "OH MY GOD! Sam! I-I-I.....I di-" Sam cut him off saying "You hit me! My own Dad!....I HATE YOU!" Ignoring the cuts and glass she ran to her room. She didn't come out of her room (both because she was getting the glass out and she was angry.) The next day she woke up with splotches of dried blood and a huge bruised eye.

Even though it was just a memory, Sam still felt the cuts and the stinging hit her dad did.

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