When This Chapter Ended

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Kara's POV
Alex meant business. She was an agent, this is what she did best. She worked her way under my skin, and tricked me into slipping up.

"You want the truth?" I stated, confidently. "Well, I'll give you the truth. James Olsen is dead. I killed him. You haven't seen him around today? That's because he's not here anymore. I murdered him. That woman in the hospital bed is the love of my life, and I wasn't going to watch her die because of that sicko of a boyfriend."

"Wait Kara, slow down!" Alex interrupted.

"Alex, I'm not saying this any more than I have to. I killed James Olsen. He was going to kill Lena if I didn't end him first. He hurt her. He cheated on her, then decided that Lena was in the wrong. Alex, if you could've seen what I saw, I'm sure you would've pulled your gun on James. He was choking Lena, abusing her, hitting her."

And all at once, everything was spilling out of my mouth. I couldn't stop.

"I did this to Lena. I killed a man because she was in danger. She was drunk and vulnerable, and she was angry at him for cheating. She wished death upon him, and I made that dream come true. Except now, it isn't much of a dream, is it, Alex? It's a fucking nightmare." I paused to breathe. "This is my fault. If I hadn't killed him, Lena wouldn't be feeling so guilty. She thinks this is her fault, for wishing death upon him. She's not to blame. I am. This is all my fault. Lena almost died twice. Twice, Alex. Two fucking times! That's not okay! She tried to die, because of what I did and that makes me such a shitty person. I am so sorry Alex. Please, don't hate me."

The tears streamed down my face, as Alex just stood there. I couldn't see her through the wells of my eyes, so I could only imagine that she looked shocked and speechless.

"Where is he?" Alex said.

"W-what?" I choked on my tears.

"Kara, where the hell is James?!"

She shook me by the shoulders, trying to snap me out of my sadness.

"He's a pile of ash in a forest. I don't even know. I wouldn't be able to find him again."

"What do you mean, ash?"

"When he had Lena, I was so angry. I felt my eyes burning and I melted a hole through his chest. I used my heat vision to disintegrate the rest of his body into a pile of ashes. I don't know, Alex, I don't know what I was thinking. I was just so mad at him."

Alex still didn't know what to say.

"I just want to live a happy life with Lena. I want to be happy and I want her to be happy also. I don't want things to be like this. Alex, please, I can't have this relationship sabotaged in the first day. You have to help me." I pleaded.

"Kara, I'm not sure I can... You're my sister and I love you but-"

"ALEX PLEASE!" I screamed, through floods of tears, falling to the floor.

She sat down next to me, and gently patted my back.

"Let's go talk to Lena, okay? I'll see what we can do." she said, reassuringly.

She reached her hand out to me, in an offer to help me up. An offer which I accepted. She pulled me to my feet, and dusted me off.

"That's it, well done. Let's go pay your girlfriend a visit." she said, as she helped me up.

My frown cracked into a tiny smile. Hearing Alex acknowledge Lena as my girlfriend made me feel fuzzy inside. I was suddenly full of butterflies. I felt like this was a sign. Maybe things would be okay after all.

"Kara!" Lena beamed, the moment I walked in to see her.

"Hey sweetie." I smiled at her. "Alex needs to have a talk with you. We have to sort out what our next steps are."

Lena's face dropped. It was obvious that she was fed up of this drama by now, but it couldn't be ignored.

"Don't worry, it won't be bad. We'll make a plan, I'm sure of it."

I sat back on the stool, next to Lena's bed, while Alex remained stood up. I leaned over to give Lena another kiss. She pulled away, as my face got closer.

"It's okay, Alex knows. You don't have to be afraid." I said.

"I also think you're both forgetting that I'm gay." Alex joked. "I'm not gonna judge you! That would only make me a hypocrite!"

My words got through to Lena. She tilted her head to face mine, and parted her lips for a kiss. Our lips pressed together for a brief, intimate moment. Raising her arm up, I also left a kiss on Lena's stitches. Her wrist was bound in bandages, splotched with red. Lena appreciated my concern for her wellbeing, and acknowledged my efforts with a smile.

"I don't deserve you, Kara Danvers."

"I don't deserve you either, Lena Luthor." I replied.

"Alright you two love birds, we have more pressing issues on our hands that we need to deal with. The kissing can wait." Alex interrupted.

She walked around to the other side of Lena's bed. Alex looked at Lena, then glanced up to look at me.

"If you and Kara are really serious about each other, there's really no way that things will work out if you go public about this. Lena, I'm sorry, but you are a Luthor. Maybe Kara sees you as a good human being, as do I. However, others don't. Should word get out that a man died in your office, it'll end your career." Alex advised. "Same for you Kara. You're Supergirl. You save lives, not end them. How will the media react if word gets out that Supergirl killed James Olsen?"

Alex made some very good points. I took them all into consideration.

"As long as both of you are true to yourselves... If you speak about your feelings when they get too much, and look out for each other, you'll be able to keep James a secret."

Lena held my hand and squeezed it, as if to say yes. This is what we were going to do. We were going to keep James a secret, and move on with our lives. Alex was willing to cover for us, so that we could finally be happy together.

"I'll make up a story to tell J'onn. Don't worry about him." Alex said.

She walked over to the side of the bed that I was on. She bent down and whispered into my ear.

"Go take her home, Kara."

Before I had the time to reply, Alex was gone. She was already out the door, and back to work. If I couldn't thank her now, I'd have to thank her later. But right now, it was time to get Lena out of here.

She belonged in my arms, and that's where I planned on letting her stay.

"And so it goes, and so it goes
And you're the only one who knows"

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