Best Laid Plans Are Not Sober

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Lena's POV
Getting wasted is my favourite thing to do. Well, other than fucking Kara. That was pretty great tonight. But with drinking on top?! I was having the best night of my life.

"Where'd you leave the bag?" Kara asked.

"Oh, over by the TV, I think."

"I see it!" Kara replied, getting up from the couch.

I hated being away from Kara. Even though I'd been away from her for so long, now that we'd been so close tonight, just an inch apart was torture. She was literally in the same room as me. I could still see her, she was stood right in front of me. My heart ached, for those few seconds that Kara was stood up. Those seconds felt like hours of heart-wrenching agony.

The sofa dipped, as Kara's body weight sunk into the upholstery. Under the warm lights of Kara's apartment, mingled with the glow from the city outside, the sofa looked like a grey-blue. In fact, it was actually a mocha brown colour. The couch was riddled with an array of cushions. They ranged from green, to patterned green, lilac, and even cream coloured with an abstract floral design.

"Do you mind if I get rid of some of these?" I said, pulling a cushion from my back.

"No, not at all! Just put them on the other chairs."

Opposite the couch, on the other side of the white, square table, were two matching armchairs. Each had their own cushion already. These ones were different though. They were a very light cream, maybe even white, with branches of cherry blossom. The fabric was dotted with pinky red petals. They were pretty. Kara's apartment is like a treasure chest. It's full of little treasures, each different and unique. You have to study hard, to take it all in.

Leaning forward, on the edge of the sofa, I tossed a few pillows over, onto the armchairs. My aim isn't the best, and I accidentally chucked one onto the floor.


"Don't worry about it!" Kara giggled. "I'll get-"

Before Kara had the chance to get up, I tugged at her shirt. I had my head down, looking at my legs.

"Don't go..."

She fell back on to the sofa, and pulled my body into hers. We shared a warm embrace for a few moments, before I parted my lips to speak.

"I love you, Kara Danvers." I softly said, my face buried in her neck. "I want this to be official. I can't live without you any longer. I need you to stay with me, Kara. Please, will you be mine?"

"Your girlfriend? Lena, I've wanted to be yours since the moment we met. Deep down, it was always you who I wanted. Of course I'll be yours."

"Forever and always?"

"Forever and always." Kara reassured.

I reached for the bottle in the bag. Twisting the cap off, it opened with a crack. We didn't have glasses, and I didn't want to grab any, so I took a swig from the bottle.

"Here's to us, baby." I said, raising the bottle, before passing it to Kara.

She froze, with the bottle in between her palms. Hesitantly, she pressed her lips to the glass rim, and took a sip. Her face said it all. She puckered her lips and squinted her eyes, as if she'd eaten a sour lemon.

"Not to your taste? Haha! More for me!"

A look of determination came over Kara's face. She clasped the bottle firmly in her right hand.

"No. I will do this."

She tipped the bottle upside down, and let the clear liquid gush into her mouth. I was utterly shocked, and my eyes pinned open from surprise.

"Kara don't! You'll get sick!" I panicked, snatching the bottle from her hands.

"But you drink all the time... I want to as well!!"

"That's exactly the point Kara. I do drink all the time. You don't! Your body won't be able to handle this much at once."

Her eyebrows turned up, as she gave me a look from her puppy-dog-eyes. I had to look away, or else I would've fallen into her trap.

"Sweetheart, don't do this to me. I'm only trying to keep you safe."

She flung her arms around me, and snuggled into my stomach. She was making groans, and was muttering things under her breath. I could tell that she was about to act up. If I didn't give her what she wanted, she'd throw a tantrum.

Taking another gulp of the vodka, I decided I would give the bottle back to Kara. I tapped her on the shoulder, and her eyes shot up to meet mine.

"Here you go. Just be careful." I said, handing her the bottle.

She snatched it from my hands, and her face beamed with joy. I love to drink, but I've never seen someone that happy from being given a bottle before. I guess this was all so new and exciting to Kara. After all, this was her first time having sex, her first time getting wasted, and her first time killing someone.

That sudden thought consumed my mind. Kara had killed James earlier on today... It was nearing midnight, and I'd completely forgot about James. I tried so hard to push it out of my mind, but now that it was back, it's all I could think of.

"No, I'm sorry Kara, but I need this." I said firmly, taking the bottle back from her grasp.

Kara had made a good attempt to down the entire bottle, so there wasn't much left. I managed to drink the rest of it in one breath, leaving only a few drops behind.

"Lena... Are you okay?" Kara asked me, with a concerned tone.

I didn't say anything, as the guilt dawned on me. I was drunk earlier. What I thought was a good idea, suddenly didn't seem so great anymore. James Olsen is dead. I had to live with that. We had to live with that, for the rest of our lives.

Things were never going to be the same. They will never go back to how they were before. A man is dead because of my actions.

I'm not sure I could live with that...

"Our regret tastes sweet through a soft liqueur, we can raise our lips to the way we were."

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