That's Our Child

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"Doc, you're gorgeous." Nathan plants a huge kiss on my lips and pulls me into him. His hand runs up my bare thigh, and his eyes grow large.

"No panties? How am I supposed to survive tonight? You're killing me, Doc." He groans.

"You'll be fine." I assure him and peck him on the lips.

"Maybe we should slip a quickie in before we go, it may help you with your nerves." He offers.

I bite my lip and think about it.

What am I thinking?

"No, we can't be late, and I can't mess up this hair and makeup miracle." I said.

He groaned as I pulled him out of our room. "I get it all later, right?" He wiggled his eye brows and smacked me on my ass, and I yelped.

"Let's just see how bad the night is." I pulled him into the elevator, and he stood behind me with his hands on my belly.

"Nathan! I can feel that!"

He chuckled. "What?"

"You're hard and pushing it into my ass! Stop, or else."

"Or else what?" He says in a teasing tone.

"Damn, pregnancy hormones." I sighed.

"Best hormones ever!" He laughed.

He walked as close as he could to hide his arousal, and a quick walk around the pool did the trick.

"This is going to happen all night. Couldn't you have picked a dress a little less...revealing? I want you so damn bad right now."

I laughed.

"It's mutual buddy."

"Oh shit, are you wet?" He stopped me before ,we entered the ball.


"Dammit, Doc." He took a deep breath. "You're...damn I'm screwed." He shook his head.

"Better get it under control, here comes Dad."

"General, good to see you." He perked up, and I'm thankful he's wearing a jacket. My father shook his hand.

"Good to see you, beautiful as always baby girl." He hugged me.

"Are you ready for this sweetie? You can stay by my side, and you don't have to talk to him." Dad said.

"I have to face it Dad, but thanks."

He deserves to know the truth anyway.

"I won't let her out of my sight." Nathan assured him.

My brothers walked off the elevator, and I'm pretty sure I have a whole security team of huge men to stand by my side. Plus Stephanie, she's probably the most dangerous one. My close friend, and now soon to be sister-in-law, doesn't play games.

I took a deep breath and walked onto the ballroom with the greatest men in the world beside me.

I am blessed.

Everyone clapped when we entered, and we were approached by so many, congratulating Nathan and I on the baby. If one more person touches my belly, I'm going to scream.

Dad made his speech, and of course counted his blessings, including his two grandsons and the new baby coming.

I could feel those eyes on me. That feeling I get when Greg walks into the room, and I haven't even seen him yet.

I shiver at the feeling and Nathan notices.

He looks behind us. "Showtime" he whispers in my ear.

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