A Cold Harsh Reality

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Yet again, Greg blew my mind with the most amazing sex I could ever dream about. He had a dinner meeting, but promised to spend more time with me tomorrow.

I met Sandy, his cook, and housekeeper, apparently she lives here along with his driver/butler. Sandy is an older woman, but very well put together and seems to always have a smile on her face.

We sat and talked for a few hours. She said she has been with Greg since he was a baby and had started out as his nanny. They were very close, so when he got back from the military and bought this home, he hired her, and she's very grateful.

"Mrs. Masterson is a lovely woman, but her husband is a force not to mess with, or you will lose." She said his strict rule of his empire included designing every single step in Greg's life, so when Greg joined the Army, it was in defiance to his father.

She also said the military, although strict and disciplined, was like a breath of fresh air, provided Greg with some sense of freedom. She added that his father forgave him when the military career made Greg out to be a hero and gave the Mastersons great press, and Greg is highly respected in higher society.

He was never one to bring random women home, although he is known as a playboy. I'm assuming he had plenty of affairs, just not under the roof of his own home. Greg is a very highly sexual man, and she agreed he has been with a lot of women, but I'm the first one he has ever introduced as his girlfriend.

I stayed in his room and watched movies, while the hours slipped away. Finally around midnight, I drifted off to sleep, only to wake again at 2 am and the bed was still cold and empty.

I decided to get a drink, so I walked downstairs, only to see a light on out back and the door wasn't shut all the way. I found Greg sitting with a glass of amber liquid and just staring off into the distance.

"Hey, what are you doing out here?" I walked up and settled on his lap.

"Just thinking." He smiled up at me.

"Must be something big to be up this late." He shrugged his shoulders, but then pulled me into a kiss.

"Have I told you today how beautiful you are?" He asked, and I shook my head no, then he pulled me into another kiss.

"Let's head to bed, I have a long day tomorrow."

He took my hand and led me to bed, but disappointed me when he changed into some sweats and just fell asleep with me in his arms. He left before I woke, so I was once again disappointed. He promised me a night out tonight, so at least I can look forward to that before I leave in the morning.

I called up a few of my airline friends, including Hal, and we had lunch and enjoyed the day in New York before I went home to change for our date.

On my way back to Greg's house, I stopped at a very over priced boutique and bought myself a new dress for tonight. It was a simple, tight, but elegant, black dress I matched with black heels, tied my hair up into a bun, did my makeup, then waited downstairs. I talked with Sandy to pass the time.

Minutes turned into an hour, so I texted Greg letting him know I'm ready, but I got no response. I watched the clock, and when it struck 10 pm, I gave up and went to bed.


The next morning, I found out he didn't come home at all, so I packed my bags, and Sandy insisted on driving me to the airport. I was hurt, embarrassed, and most of all, I was pissed. She said it was totally unnatural for Greg to act this way, and tried to assure me he probably got busy with work and stayed at the office, but I know better.

I didn't text him. I won't give him the satisfaction in knowing that I was hurt. I moved on for him, said goodbye to Braden, and totally gave myself to this man, and he just walked all over me. It won't happen again.

The weekend came and went, and not a peep from Greg. I replayed our last moments and tried to think what I could have done wrong, but came up empty. There's nothing from my past that should push him away, still I could find no good reason.

Days went by, and I poured myself into work. Blair came over, and we decided to pick out my dress for the first ever event for Dad's campaign. She stayed over, and we drank wine and we talked. I told her everything about Greg, and she was also puzzled.

She said Greg was so persistent about wanting me in his future, and Dad was happy to support his intentions. She also said he got a place of his own in Louisville.

Now I have no escort to Dad's event. I dread going because I have no idea if I'll see Greg, plus going alone doesn't sound great either.

The only explanation I can think of about Greg, is that I'm not a part of New York's high society. I'm a veterinarian and former flight attendant, so I must not meet the standards for him to be seen with me.

Weeks go by, and there's no word. It's over, which is obvious, so I have to pick myself up and move on. My practice has gotten busy enough, and I can finally afford to hire a tech to help out, so things are looking up as far as my career.

Things with Greg were never really official anyways. It wasn't like we were in love. Well, at least he wasn't, but I'm not sure about me. Even after all the weeks that passed by, it hasn't gotten easier. I still think of him constantly, and everyday I do better about Braden.

That was until I got the call informing me that Breaden is in intensive care with pneumonia once again. I spent a few days at his bedside. It has been hard, but made even harder now that I'm once again alone.

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