General Benton

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Dad takes my hand before I step out of our car. "You look beautiful tonight, my Bella."

"Thanks Dad." My father stands there in his dress uniform, while people salute him and cameras flash. The Libertarian party has targeted him to run for governor, but he hasn't decided, and since this is the governor's ball and he's getting an award, he's the focus of the press.

"General Benton, any truth to the rumors that you will be running for governor?"

Dad ignores them all.

"Is this your daughter, General Benton?" This one he answers.

"Yes, this is my daughter, Isabella." He stands stiff and not like the relaxed man I know as my dad.

He guides me into the ballroom, and I have the fakest possible smile on my face.

There's men and women in uniform, many in tuxedos and ball gowns, while waiters and waitresses walked around with Champagne and finger foods. The room has so many flowers, I could choke on all the fragrance. Some people call it beautiful, but I call it over the top.

Sometimes, less is more.

I grab a glass of champagne, while Dad orders himself something stronger.


I roll my eyes.

"Gloria, how are you?" Dad asks, as she kisses his cheek.

"I'm great. Oh, this can't be little Isabella? Darling, you're stunning." She kisses my cheek.

"Thank you Mrs. Bartley, you look beautiful tonight."

"Thanks sweetheart! You know, my son is around here somewhere." She looks around.


"Honey, you know Hal as well as anyone else. I'm sure he found a cute girl to chase around."

Why the hell am I always stuck with Hal?

"Boo!" I felt two fingers poke into my side, and I yelp. "Hal!" I smack his arm.

"Hey there, sweetness." He says, and my Dad clears his throat.

"Oh, Good to see you General." He sticks out his hand and offers it to my dad.

"Captain." Dad shakes his hand and nods.

I roll my eyes. Captian...whatever.

My father walks me around and introduces me to several people, and suddenly the hairs on the back of my neck stand up straight, and I gasp. I feel eyes on me, so I slowly turn around and that's when it happened. Blue eyes locked in on mine. I felt my face turn pale and my stomach turn.

The hell with my life....

He looks shocked, but then smirks at me, and I turn around taking refuge next to my father.

Oh my god, please tell me he's not coming this way. "Dad, excuse me, I need to run to the ladies room." I try to run away, but Dad stops me.

"Wait, just a second sweetie, I want you to meet someone."


"Masterson." Dad shakes the man's hand that...ugh, fucked me in a janitors closet in London.

He shakes my dads hand. "General, looks like life has been treating you well, you have a beautiful date."

Ugh, he thinks I'm arm candy?

"Yes, this is my daughter, Isabella. Bella honey, this is Greg Masterson."

His eyes grew wide like he was shocked, then acted nervous.

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