Meeting Him

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It's Friday night, and we settled into our hotel room in Frankfort. This time the event is being held here, which is a blessing. I could leave the event after a few hours and just retire to my room at almost any time.

I unpacked my suitcase and decided to head to the pool for a bit. Summer days in Louisville can be hot and humid, so a dip in the pool and some time in the sun, sounds perfect.

I grabbed my bag after changing and throwing on a pair of shorts over my bathing suit, and headed down the hall toward the elevator. I could hear it start to close, so I picked up my pace in order to catch it before the doors close.

I was trying to slip my key card into my bag at the same time when bam, out of nowhere, I run straight into something hard and fall straight on my ass.

"Wow! Are you okay?" I look up and see a tall, but very muscular man towering above me, he held out his hand, and I took it.

"Yes, I'm so sorry." I apologized, as he pulled me back up to my feet.

"It's quite alright, it's not everyday I get to literally bump into such a beautiful woman." The man said, and I blushed.

He helped me gather my things and put them into my bag.

"Thanks, and again I do apologize."

He held out his hand. "Nathan Stark" I shook it. "Isabella Benton."

"You're not by chance related to Victor or Lance Benton, our guests of honor tomorrow night?" He looked at me curiously. Damn he looks familiar.

"Guilty, Victor is my father."

"Lance told me he had a beautiful sister, but his words did you no justice. I'm here to support your father's campaign."

"Your support is appreciated." I told him.

"Don't mention it, Lance is my attorney, and I got to know your dad on one of his many visits. Would you like to join me for a drink by the pool?"

Why not?

"Sure, I'd love to hear more and about Lance's life in California."

"Great! I'll meet you down there after I change."

I made my way down to the pool and took a dip, before ordering myself a drink and laying in a lounger.

"Sis?" I look up, and see a sight for sore eyes.

"Lance!" I jump up and hug him, then look around.

"Melody!" I gave my sister-in-law a hug and notice two teenage boys standing there with ear phones in their ears.

"Boys?" They don't hear me.

Lance reaches over and snags the cords, shocking them back in to reality.

"Aunt Izzy!" Jacob smiles and hugs me, while Justice waits for his chance to do the same.

My brother is in his trunks, while my beautiful sister-in-law is in her suit. They order drinks, and I told them I met their friend earlier.

"He's such a sweet guy, too." Melody adds, as Lance tells me about how Nathan owns a production company in Hollywood.

Nathan comes out and takes a seat by me and orders a beer. We spent a few hours laughing and enjoying ourselves, while a few beers are drunk by all of us.

"Isabella, I'd be very happy if you would join me for dinner tonight." He asks, while my brother and Melody encourage me to say yes.

"Sure." Why not? It's not like I have a boyfriend or anything. It's been over a month since I've even spoken to Greg.

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