Kitty Cats and Mules

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I dropped everyone off at Dad's house and had to chuckle to myself. Dad's got his hands full with Jr. home and Jeremy and Jackson staying over. Hattie, dad's cook and housekeeper, has one hell of a lot of food to cook tomorrow.

My drive home was short, and sleep didn't come easily. I thought about Braden and, of course, Greg.

Dammit, I hate myself for feeling such an attraction to this man. I laid in bed and wondered where he was sleeping. Was he in my old room or the guest room?

Stop! Dammit, I should be thinking about how I can help Braden.

Of course my mind drifts back to that night in London. The way he felt, the way he kissed me and, especially, that orgasm. My god, I had no idea it could feel like that, and I remember his words at the ball. What could he do if I gave him just one night?

My phone vibrated and I looked at the clock. Oh shit, hope it's not a vet emergency. I rolled over and grabbed it from my night stand, and it was a text from an unknown number.

"Can't get you off my mind. - Greg"

I groan. "Dammit, Dad." He gave him my number?

I don't reply, but just set my phone down next to me.

What is this guys deal? I decided to Google him and see. Maybe he has a Facebook account, so I look him up on my phone.

Son of Billionaire, home from war.


Gregory Masterson, Hottest Bachelor in New York.

Looks like he prefers blondes, there's a new one in about every photo.

Future CEO of Masterson Technology Reloacting to Kentucky

Relocating? Wasn't he just staying here short term?

Masterson Buys Global Technologies in London. Is There A Budding Romance With Princess Penelope?

Now this one's interesting. There's a photo of him with yet another blonde outside...wait. That's the club that night! He had a date? What an asshole!

I threw my phone down and groaned. A princess? That same night?

My stomach turned. He probably had that blonde under him that night after the ball too.

My phone buzzed again.

"I'll see you tomorrow - Greg"

I try to remember Jr's words. He's a good man. Dad approves of his intentions. What are his intentions?

Dad approves of some big city playboy getting into my pants?

I woke up the next morning with a headache. Brunch at the General's home usually means dress clothes, because I'm sure he has more guests coming than just my brothers. My Uncles and Aunts, a few cousins maybe, and, of course, Grandpa.

Let's not forget his favorite man whore, Greg.

I decided to wear a yellow and white sun dress and wear my hair down in curls. Reverend Benton expects the best from his grandchildren, especially his only granddaughter.

He's still upset my dad married a Catholic, and we were raised in the Catholic church.

I grabbed my phone and keys, and opened the garage door. I decided to take my car instead of the truck today. It just seems a little classier for a Saturday brunch with the family.

When I arrived, of course, everyone was standing outside greeting Grandpa.

"Jesus Christ." I heard Greg say as I walked up toward them, and my dad just smiled at his words.

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