Yes Please, More Practice

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"Joy and I are dating!" Wendy blurted out, cutting through the silence. "We tried to keep it silent-"

"Sounds like it," Chaeyoung commented with a sideways grin.

"But I guess you all noticed anyway," Wendy finished, swinging an arm around Joy's shoulders, kissing her on the cheek.

Joy turned her head to the side, eyes sparkling as she gazed into Wendy's . "We thought we kept it under wraps pretty well."

"Think again," Jisoo mumbled.

"I have to admit, you got us good," Chaeyoung sighed, smiling at Joy and Wendy. "I thought you were serious about the whole taking it slow."

"Oh, we are," Wendy replied, nodding. "We just didn't want anyone to make a big deal about it."

Five minutes ago, Jennie could have glared daggers at Wendy and Joy, in particular Wendy for being a little shit. But now she felt like hugging both of them for abruptly changing the topic. She didn't need Jisoo to start scrutinizing what she had with Lisa. It was all in the past now anyway, so it was hardly relevant.

The voices around Jennie became background noise. She saw Lisa wrap her arms around Joy and Wendy while saying something, probably along the lines of congratulating them. Even though a bullet was dodged, she wanted to go home and listen to some music, away from possible drama and unwanted questions.

Jennie cleared her throat once the others had settled down and resorted to hushed whispers. "I forgot there is a book I wanted to finish this weekend," she began while she moved her chair back. "Thanks for...," making this an uncomfortable experience. "Dinner," she finished with a thin smile.

Chaeyoung's eyebrows creased together. "Okay, I could walk you back?"

Jennie shook her head. "It's literally right across the street, I'm sure I'll be fine on my own," she replied, standing up.

"Well, don't be a stranger," Wendy spoke up.

"You're always welcome to hang out with us sometime," Joy added.

"I'll check my calendar," Jennie chuckled, though stabbing herself with a fork sounded more appealing than repeating a night like this.

Lisa rolled her lips into her mouth. There was a flicker of something akin to disappointment in her eyes. "I'll see you around sometime," she said, voice a little strained.

Jennie gave a brief nod. She didn't quite want to say goodbye either, and it was possible she would run into Lisa sometime at the library or in between classes. With an aching chest, she went home, picked out music, and turned the volume all the way up in an attempt to drown out every memory of Lisa.

The pain grew when Jennie concluded that no matter how loud a song played, it didn't drown out her thoughts. She took a shower, but every fingerprint was burned into her skin, etched underneath it, and she knew loving Lisa was a mistake, but she couldn't stop her feelings.

"I wish you could see the real me," Jennie sighed quietly, thumb hovering over Lisa's contact, pending whether she should text her or not. "But if you did, would you like me for me?" she wondered aloud with a bittersweet smile while tears slid down her cheeks.

"Each kiss and every touch was real to me. It wasn't some arrangement, some favor," Jennie whispered, locking her phone. "I love you, and you'll never know. It's too late," she said, squeezing her fingers around her cell. "I love you, but it doesn't matter."

Jennie's eyes drifted up, meeting her reflection in the mirror. "What are you afraid of? A broken heart?" she scoffed, balling her free hand into a fist. "You broke your own damn heart, coward!" she shouted, punching the mirror until it shattered.

fingerprints on my skin || jenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now