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It is 2:30pm and im sat at the pool bar making the most of the whole 15 minutes I have for a break. Most people who come here on holiday tend to enjoy the sun and take it all in but after being here for 2 months too long, I'm not a fan the sun or the scorching heat.

I help my self to a can of lemonade from behind the bar and take a seat on one of the tables situated in the shade. I pull out my phone and check for Internet or messages. No Internet as per usual because apparently customers are more important than staff and of course no messages, my sister hasn't text me for weeks and I don't have any other contacts.

"Hey! Um Tina, over here!"

I turned round to see the blonde haired kid sitting under a tree with his raybans on his head innocently smiling at me. I really must remember his name if he's going to keep talking to me. I got up from my table and walked over to the tree where he was sat and joined him.

"Hey! Urmm liam? No it's Luke! Sorry, I should remember these things"

He chuckled and pulled down his glasses "It's umm.. fine, I get used to people forgetting about me" I decided to ignore his comment.

"So Luke, what made you choose Corfu? I mean you lived in Australia, surely you can't get any better?"

He brushed his hand through his hair before sighing and answering my question

"Um its a very long story but maybe I'll tell you one day. Oh um I spoke to Calum earlier and you were right he is the definition of a dick but um I think if you gave him a chance he'd be a great friend"

I laughed at Luke as he made such a simple answer as complex as ever

"This morning you were so scared of me and now look you've got me laughing and I've noticed your not saying 'um' so much. Just to let you know I'm no two faced bitch so I won't go telling Calum what you just said"

Luke took off his glasses and placed them back on his head before talking again.

"You know Tina, the amount of girls that call them selves or other people bitches is ridiculous, urm i mean why should you take the name of a female dog and turn it into something offensive to um hurt somebody elses feelings"

"I agree, but you know Luke, you think too much, too much detail into something so small"

"Um thanks. People have told me I'm good at advice and listening so I took it on board to um try and overcome my nervousness. Anyway um its not my business but who were you texting earlier? You seemed pretty disappointed?"

I turned round to look at Luke sensing a hint of sympathy or some other touching emotion but it soon disappeared as his eyes attached to mine. Those bright blue orbs are definitely affecting me in some way.

"No one. I was hoping I might have a text from my sister as she's the only family member I contact but... she hasn't said anything to me for 2 weeks and I don't have any other contacts. You see Luke you don't get out much working here"

"Well I have no contacts so you know. Do you wan-"

But before Luke could finish his sentence Michael came walking over..

"People?! What are we up to? Your both a minute late? Back to work please? Chippy Choppy"

As Michael walked away both me and Luke got to our feet and headed towards the restaurant. When we got there Luke rushed over to a table and grabbed a napkin before returning and giving it to me.

"Urm, write down your number?"

I quickly pulled out a pen from my pocket and scribbled away.

"Thanks Tina, I'll text you later?" I nodded and with that Luke disappeared round the corner to carry on with his very first shift at this shithole of a hotel.

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