Mirror of Myself by TheAlbtraumCitizen

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Hello everyone and welcome back to....Behind These Stories! Today, our special guest is....*drumrolls*....TheAlbtraumCitizen or Claudia!


So, let's start with something simple, what got you in to writing?

A : Well, I love drawing but I'm not the best. I thought writing would be a good way to get across my imagination, and here I am now.

Well, today we are here because....

A : I'd like to talk about my first original story, Mirror of Myself.

That's great but you have to tell us a bit about the story first.

A : it's about a girl, Kit and her friend (an author-insert but well-done) Claudia, who find this pool that takes them to a mirror world where everything's both opposite and the same.

A mirror world. That sounds so cool! So you get to see your reflection or a replica of yourself? Wait! No, don't answer that! Don't want to spoil the story for the readers. What about you just tell us how you got the idea?

A : I got the idea from 2Ptalia and Homestuck's Trickster Mode, as well as a role play I did once.

What do you think about your story that will grab the reader's attention?

A : Well the plot's new, and it's one of those fantasies set in real life. It also has a few funny parts!

Tell us a bit more about your main character.

A : My main character is surprisingly an author insert but done decently. She (I?) has no special powers, and she can be sarcastic and cocky, as well as a bit manipulative, but also kind hearted and can be helpful when she needs to.

Do you have any special plans for this story?

A : Not really, I just want to please the readers!

I'm sure you did, as someone told me before, if you got readers, it means you're at least doing something write. Anyway, feel like checking out Claudia's story? Go to her profile and it should be there. Don't forget to leave a couple comments and votes.

Thanks for joining us and good luck with your story, Claudia!

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