chapter 15: oh my god!

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Ellie's POV

"Oh my god!!!!!" i screamed so loud i am pretty sure Canada heard me.

"Oh my god!!!" he mimicked me. "So are you gonna get up and hug me or..." he trailed off

I got up from the floor and ran over to Noah.

Noah Lynn. my best friend since birth basically. Our mothers were best friends back then. After they got married with their husbands (our dads) they moved in next to us. And Noah and i became best friends! But Noah left a few years ago because his grandma got sick and Noah went to Michigan to take care of her. And now he is back!!!

"What are you doing here? I missed you so much" i told him. I feel my eyes start to water. He was gone for 3 years! He left right when freshman year started. That's when i became friends with Annie and Nick. i was alone at lunch and Annie came over to me and she brought over Nick, and after that we all became friends.

"Aw don't cry el" Noah said and wiped my eyes. Huh guessed i did cry

"I missed you so much" i said as i hugged him more harder.

"I know me too."

"Anyways..." he trailed off

"I am moving back over here" OH MY GOD!!!!!!! Omg omg i am sooooo happy!!

I smiled really big at him, but it quickly diminished. Noah gave me a questioning look

"What about grandma?" i ask him. Is she okay?

"She is living with her boyfriend" Noah said bluntly. My eyes widened.


"Yeah she met this old man and they 'hit it off' and they 'love each other' so yeah she doesn't need me anymore" he told me

"Way to go grandma" i say. It's cool that she found a new person to love. I hope when my dad wakes up he will be happy and maybe one day he will find a new 'one'. But i still love my mom and nothing will replace her.

Noah chuckled. Then he got serious

"Are you okay?" he asked me. His voice was full of concern. Guess he heard about it

"I'm fine" i gave him a reassuring nod. I was more trying to reassure me

"Ellison Marie Anderson i have known you for 16 years, and for 14 years i have been your other half. So don't give me the 'i'm fine' bullshit." he told me as he kept on his serious yet intimidating face.

"Honesty?" i question


And that's when i broke down

"I feel like i want to cry 24/7. With my mom gone and my dad not awake i-i just feel so alone. I just don't know what to do" i few tears slipped down my face as i told him how i was really feeling

"But your not alone-" he didn't finish what he was saying because i cut him off

"No. No, the only person who knows exactly how this makes me feel is blocking me out" my voice was shaky and i knew he could tell because he wrapped me in a hug, and i immediately responded.

"James?" he questions. I nod

"He probably just needs time to be alone and is trying to deal with this. But the best thing to do is to try and get your mind off things, but don't forget your parents. Your mom would not want you to cry over this. Just try to have more fun. And i know you will with me around" Noah told me. I don't know why but whenever he talks to me he always makes me feel better. Even when we were little.

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