chapter 3: noticing ellie

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This chapter is in Alex's point of view. This chapter also takes place before school starts and Alex is in his house BTW.

Alex POV
"Hurry Abby we don't have all day!" I yelled for my sister to hear me. Abby Bec is 8 years old, and my sister. i am basically her version of a father. Our father is gone... as in, he left us for no reason at all. And our mother is always away at work. She is a photographer and she goes everywhere to take pictures that rich people buy for loads of money. My mother is has real fucking talent. Even though she isn't here all the time Abby and i love her alot.

"Coming Alex!" My sister calls out. Abby comes running down the stairs and puts on her shoes and eats a bowl of cereal. Once shes done i get in the car and drive to her school. "Bye Alex, Love you!" My sister says. "Bye abby have a good day" i said as i kiss her forehead. She wipes my kiss and leaves the car and walks up to school. Really Abby people at school would beg me to kiss them.

I arrived back home and change in to a white t-shirt and dark blue jeans, and black vans. I get my phone and go to my car and head to school. I don't worry about my backpack because it's the first day of school, and we do nothing in school and i can just ask someone for a pencil or something if i do need one.

I get into my car, and turn on the radio and head to school. Once i arrive to school, and get out of my car, as my friend walks up to me. Cole Matthews. He is my closest friend, i have known him since elementary school, and immediately became friends. Cole put this weird slime stuff on our teachers chair and he sat on it, and that's when i realized that we would be awesome friends and we have been friends ever since. We are both pretty popular at our school, and everyone wants to be our friends because i am pretty hot, and people say cole is too. But i am more than him obviously. We have our own little group of friends who are probably late to school or in school right now.

As we start to walk into school we hear some guys whistling at some girl with a guy who i think is James Anderson. He is in a grade above us, and is really popular and known of the school. "Yo Alex" Cole starts. "Look at the new girl" I look up at the girl and notice that she's really hot. As we get closer i notice that she looks really familiar. We get a little closer, and i stop Cole from moving any more forward and look at him. " Wait i think that's Ellie Anderson" I say to Cole. " Uhm i don't think so she looks nothing like her" Cole says back to me. " She looks just like her, but she changed and now she's hot" I say to Cole. Last year i noticed Ellie and thought she was cute. She had a bit of acne, and a little extra weight but i really didn't mind. But Now she's HOT. I could still recognize her but Cole couldn't and thought she was new. So i am pretty sure a lot of guys will come at her, so it's best if i claim her now. "Wait man i think that is her. Man your crush got hot" Cole exclaimed. Of course Cole knew i had a thing for her, but i asked him not to talk about it because she is a nerd. Or was a nerd.
" I think i might make a move on her, but i can't with her brother beside her" I say to Cole. " It's fine man i got him" Cole said and ran away. " YO JAMES" Cole yelled at James to come over to him. It worked and James left Ellie and followed Cole inside the school. A little boy maybe a sophomore went up to Ellie and gave her a paper and started talking to her, and walked away. Ellie was almost inside the school when i stopped her.

" Hey pretty lady what's your name" I say to Ellie acting like i never seen her before. She looked at me then walked away. Oh no don't think you are leaving so easy. I grabbed her waist and pinned her against a wall. She shut her eyes and and murmured an 'ow'. I felt bad for hurting her and lighted my grip round her but not letting go. She opened her eyes and looked up at me and stared at me. And in that moment i knew that she thought i was hot by the way she was looking at me, and then out of nowhere she pushed my chest. I chuckled because how she thought she could move me. After that i held onto her tighter and pressed himself onto her. I bent down and started kissing her neck, and sucked her gently, then i started making my way up to her lips. Once i was at her lips i kissed them. She didn't respond for about 4 seconds, maybe in shock as to why i am kissing her. I kissed her more roughly so she would respond to my kiss. After that she responded and she tasted really sweet. After kissing for about 10 seconds i felt a pain in on my lower body. I quickly realized that she kneed me where it hurts the most. " Oh fuck!" I shouted. Ellie stood there in shock, probably can't believe what she just did. 2 seconds later she ran into school. Probably thinking she can escape me. Oh how wrong she was. I got up from my knees and walked into school limping.

After a minute of limping i started to walk normally to my locker. As i went to my locker Cole spotted me and came up to me with Cameron. He is a guy in our friend group. "So how was Ellie?" Cole questioned me. I guess he didn't see me limping into school. "Did you get any action?" Cole asked. "Who's Ellie?" Cameron questioned Cole and i. " Ellie Anderson, Alex's crush" Cole answered Cameron. "Dude you like Ellie Anderson, she's a total nerd" Cameron replied to Cole, but answered more directly to me. "Yeah... So" I replied getting a bit angry. He can't talk about her like that. "Yeah she is, but Alex liked her last year, but during summer she got hot" Cole replied to Cameron. "Oh" cameron said. "So Alex did you get any action from her this morning after i left?" Cle questioned me again as he took a drink of water. "Yeah i got some action" i replied sarcastically. Cole gave me a confused look, as cameron did too. I continued to talk. "We made out for what 10 seconds then she kicked me in the balls" Cole spat out his water. "WHAT?!" Cole and Cameron shouted at the same time. I looked around to see that people were staring at them like there were on fire.

"Yep" is all i said. After for a few seconds Cole and Cameron bursted out in laughter. "Man s-she kicked yo-you?" Cameron sputtered out and laughing at the same time. I nodded and glared at the two idiots laughing at me. "Woah man, she hates you. Are you going to try and get her still?" Cole asked me. "Yeah i still like her even after what she did. She is just playing hard to get" i replied to Cole. "or she's playing 'doesn't like you' Cole said and air quoted the 'doesn't like you' part. "Whatever man" i said and started walking to homeroom.

I walked into my class, and started to look around for a place to sit. As i looked around my eyes met with beautiful dark brown eyes. I noticed it was Ellie, and i smirked and walked up to her table. She quickly looked down probably hoping i won't sit next to her. Haha. She was with her 2 friends that she is always with. I don't know the girls name but i recognized the guy. Nick Carson he is on the football team with me. He's pretty good but not as good as me. I sat down next to Ellie, and noticed everyone was staring at me with confused faces. Maybe thinking as to why i am sitting with them. I look down at Ellie and she looks up at me and stares at me, then to the rest of the class. She puts her head down on the table and groans. And i smirk once again.
Hey guys!! Niall Horan as Cole Matthews, and Nathaniel Buzolic as Cameron Hays. I hope yall like the people who plays Alex's friends!! My third chapter is out. Yay. two chapters in a day. I hope you all enjoy this chapter a lot. Bye guys love y'all!!

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