Chapter 6 - Truth or Kiss?

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Somehow, I feel a little bit sad seeing Taehyung leave with his hyungs. I still don't know what exactly happened to him. I know the ground is really muddy and kind of slippery but still, it's really odd for him to just fall like that. He wasn't even walking on the edges. Anyway, I hope he didn't get bad injuries in his body and gets well soon.

"Finally, they are gone. This day would be no fun with them. Poor boy, he fell like that." Jimin excitedly said walking ahead of us.

"What? I was the one who asked them to come. Why are you saying that? They seem to be really fun to hang out." I said quite confused at Jimin's words.

"You are acting weird Jimin. Did you do anything?" Namjoon said with his eyebrows raised at Jimin. Hoseok hummed agreeing with Namjoon.

"I mean, I don't have nothing against them but I prefer to hang out with just us. And no hyung, I didn't do anything. What do you think of me?" Jimin turned around and looked angry at Namjoon's accusations.

"Hmm ok." Namjoon just hummed and kept walking.

"Ok Jimin. Let's put it away and go back to our tracks." I shrugged my shoulders and then start walking passing through Jimin. He quickly went to my side and grabbed my arm while we were walking. I didn't even bother to shush him away.

The rest of the day was good. We found a waterfall after walking for about one hour within the trees and the muddy path. I was amazed at how this place was like a piece of art that we see in paintings and photos, but in real life it's even more beautiful. I stared at the waterfall and suddenly something inside of me told me that Taehyung would have loved this place. I really wanted him to see this place...What? I'm going crazy, really. Taehyung is just my roommate. 

"Jungkook! Let's swim." Jimin shouted at me because I was deeply in thoughts. This scenery was just so beautiful.

"Ok ok, I'm going. The last one to enter the water pays the dinner!" I shouted at Jimin while laughing and taking off my shirt and sneakers. I quickly jumped letting the water swallow my body into a relaxing state of mind.
"Guess who's paying my dinner?" I said laughing while Jimin pouted.
"Yah! Don't laugh at me." Jimin jumped and then began to splash me with water. We were so into our play time that we didn't even hear our hyungs calling us to eat something for lunch.

"Yah! You kids are deaf? I'm calling you, come here." Namjoon hyung shouted at us pointing at the place for us to go where Hoseok was already seated eating some sandwiches.

We ate our lunches and stayed by the waterfall till it was 5 pm since the walk back to the hotel takes one hour.

It's 6 pm and we finally arrived at our hotel rooms. I separated ways from my hyungs and went to my room. To be honest, I'm expecting to see Taehyung since he was really hurt and crying hours ago. But to my surprise, he isn't in the room and his clothes are near the window in the bathroom. I'm looking at them and seeing how his shirt has holes on the edges. He really cleaned them good, there's no sign of mud in them.

I grabbed some fresh clothes and took a shower.




It's 6:30 pm when I enters my shared room, looking like I went through a work day full of exhaustion and tiredness. The minute I stepped into the room, I heard the sound of the water dripping from the bathroom and I knew in that moment that, Jungkook was there.

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