can we talk

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I wanted to act like I don't care but I just couldn't. I couldn't bare with the fact that Martin and I are at the same party but we came separately. I tried to look cool even though im corner of my eye I could see how Martin was chittchatting with multiple girls. I came at this party just because my good friend James hosted it.

It's been 2 months since we broke up. Well, I broke up with him because I thought that for both it would be better to move on since he had so many obligations and so did I. I thought that it will hurt first month and I would eventually get over it but it hurts same as the day first.
It even hurts more when I see that he is happy. Maybe it's my time to move on too.

I walked through the mass of people towards the exit ready to leave since there was nothing more for me to do there. But James noticed me and followed me.

"You already leaving?" James asked as we already exit the party place.
"Yeah. I am a bit tired, but you hosted amazing party." I smiled to reassure him.
"I don't believe you but I don't want to torture you so I'll just tell you to go on and if you need anything call me." He said as he hugged me and so I went towards my car.

As soon as I came to my car, I saw that there was car behind mine and it was impossible for me to leave the place. I sighed desperately and sit in my car dialing James.

"Wow. That was quick." He chuckled as he answered.
"Can you please ask whose black Range Rover which blocked golden Range Rover?" I said quite annoyed.
"Wait. I'll check." Yeah James, like I can move. In that split second I realised whose car was it. It was Martins. I opened my door just to peak at car behind me, so I can be sure in my thinking. And damn, I was right. He has a sticker at side of the car. Shit.

"I am sorry. I am sorry." I heard voice saying and knew that Martin was coming. I just hoped that he'll sit in car without coming to my door to apologise.

And of course, my hopes died the moment he came up at my window.
"I am so so-" he stopped as he saw me and I just smiled at him.
"Hey." he said as he smiled at me.
"Hello." I said hoping that now he'll move his car but no. There was awkward silence between us.

"Can we talk?" Martin said break the silence.
"Well talk." I said not moving from my seat.
"Not here. Somewhere else." He said and I gave in. I exited my car just to walk in his (after the session of arguing why I just don't go with my car behind him).

He started the car and only thing that filled the air apart from deadly silence was the sound of the car.

"I missed you." Martin said out of nowhere and I could fee how my eyes filled with tears.
"Martin, I" I tried to say something but I just couldn't.
"Cut the bullshit y/n." He said "I love you and I know that you still love me too."
"We broke up." I finally managed to say something.
"That means nothing. We can get back together." He said parking car at the side of the road.
"But why?" I asked.
"Because I love you. I never stopped loving you. I am trying to act that everything is fine but nothing is fine. I see girls but non of them are like you. Non of them are you." He said putting his hands on mine. I took a deep breathe trying to realise what is actually happening. I didn't say anything. I just did what I missed in those two months. I closed the gap between us. I felt how he smiled in kiss and I did the same.

"You idiot." I said as he rested his forehead on mine.
"But you love me."
"Damn, I do."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2018 ⏰

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