Safe hands

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New York is one of my favorite cities in the world. I simply feel there as if I am at home. I love to take long walks down the streets because that relax me.

I am going at the University in London and I am studying design which really makes me happy. In New York I am coming every year because it is the place where the fashion is born. At least, that's my opinion.

I was walking down the streets but there was a wind which made weather much colder. I decided to come into the first shop I see to get warmer.

The first shop was actually my favorite, Adidas. I walked into just to see few girls around some guy who was obviously trying to try sneakers. I couldn't see who he was because he is obviously someone since there are fangirls around him. There were 6 or 7 girls who were holding their phones and I have to admit it was a little bit loud because they were making sounds.

I was confused but I started to look around for new sneakers which wasn't my intention at first but when I saw new models, I have to choose one now.

The sounds slowly disappeared and the guy's face showed up. It is non other than Martin Garrix. I was on a few of his shows and I have to say, he is damn talented.

I chosed and tried on which sneakers I will buy and headed towards the cashpoint. At the same time as I put the box with shoes someone also did that. I looked up to see, again Martin Garrix.

I didn't want to scream and shout because I would only make him uncomfortable. I didn't want to be like girls who attacked him earlier.

'Go first' I told him and he looked at me confused.
'No, you were the first one to come up here, so you go' Martin nicely said.
'But, you were the first one who came to this shop, so please' I smiled.
'Yes, but I am gentelman.' He said with a beautiful smile.

We kept on talking who will go first until the lady at the cashpoint didn't stop us. She was slightly pissed off so with Martins pushing me, I went first. I paid, said goodbyes and left.

The coldy wind hit me as I left the shop but it felt good. Even though what was bad is the thing that I am in the skirt which is wavy and the wind keeps on raising it up. You know, that Marilyn Monroe moment just that I have that moment every few minutes.

I kept on walking until I heard someone to say 'miss'. I turned around and saw Martin running towards me. What the hell?!

'I didn't said thank you' he said as he tried to catch air.
'Thank you for what? I've done nothing' I smiled.
'For being nice and not screaming in my face.' He said.
'Well there is something called being raised good. Have a good night' I smiled ready to leave.

'I was wondering if you are free for a coffee?' Martin asked shyly. Did Martin Garrix just asked me to go on coffee with him?
'Um, yeah, I am.' as I said that my skirt raised up again and before I could do anything Martin's hand showed up and put my skirt down.
'Thanks.' I said awkwardly moving my head, yeah thanks wind you just embarrassed me infront of Martin Garrix.

'You don't have to be embarrassed.' he said lifting my chin. ' it could happen to anyone.' he said smiling.
Jesus Christ, if he smiles again like this I think I will die.

'You are still uncomfortable?' Martin said raising his eyebrow. We started to walk together towards the nearest coffee shop but what I kept on doing was that I was holding my skirt down with one hand which obviously looked terrible.

I didn't say anything, I just nodded, felling already embarrased enough. Earth, can you please open up and swallow me?

'Can I help you?' He asked standing only inches away from me.
'How could you possible help me?' I asked but trust me I don't know how I managed to say anything since he was standing really close to me.

He didn't say anything, he just put his arm around my waist and his hand was now on my hip, not allowing my skirt to raise up. To be honest, it wasn't uncomforable at all, it was very pleasant.

'Problem solved' Martin smiled.
'We are really gonna walk like this? We look like ' I paused because I couldn't say 'couple' infront of him.
'Couple?' he asked with flirty smile.

I just nodded and I can't believe how he is leaving me speechless.

'Well if you agree to go with me on a second date, maybe we will be that' he said.
'Second date? But we haven't been on the first one yet.' I said and as soon as I said I realised that we are going to our first date. Well played Garrix.

'you do this to every girl who is nice to you? I asked because all of this is too good to be real.
'I've never done this to any girl.' he said and I can see that is the truth. He doesn't look like a guy who plays with girls.

'So, where are you taking me?' I asked since we walked by many coffee shops.
'Don't worry, you are in safe hands.' Martin said.

We went on our first date in the italian restaurant. Eventually, we went on seconds and third. On the third date he asked me to be his girlfriend which I gladly accepted.
There is nothing more to say, expect that I am still in safe hands.

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