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ARIADNE SLOWLY OPENED HER EYES AS she looked around realizing her surrounding was pitch black. She looked over and saw Bruce, Thor, and Valkyrie still passed out. She turned her head as the back of the ship was flashing red over and over again. She placed a hand on Thor softly shaking his shoulder. He groaned softly as his eyes opened and saw her looking down at him.

He placed a hand on her cheek as the rest of them started waking up. "Are you alright?" Ariadne nodded as she kissed the inside of his hand. She went to go sit back down and buckle herself back up as they were about to enter Asgard. When Asgard was right in front of them smoke was covering the whole area.

The place looked absolutely destroyed and was not as good and happy as what she first remembered. "I never thought I'd be back here." Ariadne nodded her head as she rubbed her shoulder. She was nervous for someone who hadn't been back in a lifetime. Bruce got up and out of his seat as he went in between Valkyrie and Thor.

"I thought it'd be a lot nicer. I mean not that it's not nice. It's just, it's on fire." Ariadne unbuckled herself once more as she stood up along side Bruce. Covering her mouth in shock as she couldn't believe the state Asgard was in. "Here, up here in the mountains. Heat signatures. People clustered together. She's coming for them."

Ariadne knew they were going to have to stop her. She was going to ruin this place. "Ok, drop me off at the palace and I'll draw her away."

"No way, let me come with you."

"She's right, you would get yourself killed." Ariadne nodded at Valkyrie as she glad she agreed with her. "The people trapped down there are all that matters. This isn't up for debate. While I'm dealing with Hela, I need you three to help get everyone off Asgard."

Ariadne scrunched ho her face, where else could the asgardians go? "How the hell are we supposed to do that?" Bruce was just as confused at the powerful woman next to them. "I have a man on the ground."

As they arrived at the palace, Thor set up a gun for the three of them. "Now the ship has a gun."

"I'll take it from here." Ariadne stared at Thor, she wanted to go with him. She knew if Hela wasn't going to kill him, he was going to be injured badly. "I found this in the armory." He set two suits in front of the woman as Ariadne gave Thor a sad smile.

"Good Luck," he smiled as she picked it up. Before she walked away she said, "Your majesty. Don't die. You know what I mean." Ariadne walked over to him as he got closer to her. He set his hands on her waist as she hugged him tightly. "Promise me, you'll come back to me."

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