'It was mocking me'

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"Ho...how? You're dead!" I screamed with fear. My body was shaking and my heart rate catapulted up. I was sure my heart was going to smash my ribs to pieces and fire out of my chest.

"I still am?" The figure laughed to itself.

I looked closer at it's body and saw a rip in it's clothing, right across the chest. As my eyes started to focus on it, I wanted to vomit. The figure's heart was open. Every single movement and pulse was on show to all who looked and it was horrific. I wasn't a doctor, but I bloody well knew that hearts aren't supposed to be black and decayed! The figure crouched down so that it's head moved in view instead of the heart.

"Didn't you mother ever tell you it's rude to stare?" snarled the figure. 


"Shut up!" It hissed "Enough with the stuttering! Why? Why do you do it?" 

To be honest, I had no idea why I did it. There was nothing to be scared of. This figure was just a mess of rotten flesh and cracked bones, I could have taken a swing at it right that second and wipe it out compeltely if I felt necessary, but I didn't. I sat there quivering like a pathetic child.

"Well? ANSWER ME!" It roared, saliva was spat at my face.

I looked at it in disgust and started to stand up, glaring intensely as I did so. The figure tilted is head, smiling, as if it relished the fact that I'd made a bold move of courage. It joined me in standing up and there was a brief moment of silence. No words were uttered, just looks exchanged. It started to laugh quietly, the laugh was wheezy and sounded very unhealthy, not that that would have affected it at all. The laugh grew louder and louder and I became angrier and angrier. 

"What?" I barked in frustration, but the figure didn't hear me.

It's laugh had become so loud I could barely hear my own attempts to silence it. The laughter echoed around the trees, piercing my ears from every direction possible. It lifted a long, bony finger and slowly pointed towards something in the distance. I gave it a filthy look, it was mocking me. I slowly turned around, shuffling my feet in order to prolong seeing whatever was behind me for as long as possible. The laughter started to die down as I turned away from the figure. 

"No, please God no." 

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