Day Ten: Letter to Someone You Don't Talk to as Much as You Want To

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WOOOOOO!!!! Almost caught up! This es gooood!  (If you're wondering how to say her name, Thutam, it's said, Too-Tom, just FYI) :D

August 2, 2012 (Or would have been :P)

Dear Thutam, 

I'm so sorry we've kind of drifted apart, after you moved we talked all the time, but now it's just less and less :( I miss you, and we NEED to hang out soon! We'll try to before school starts, kay? Kay :) 

I can't wait until you cut your hair :) I THINK IT WILL LOOK AWESOME!!! :D I miss seeing your pretty face around here :(  It seems I've gotten less hyper now that you're not here :( I'm not as confident as I used to be, lol. Weird huh? 

No idea why, but I just can't think today, so this is all I'm going to write, sorry! 


Lydia :)

P.S. You should ask Brandon if he actually remembers me, the last time I texted him, he said he did, but I highly doubt it :P

30 Day Letter ChallengeМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя