Chapter 7: Back To Square One

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"W-who are you?"

"H-how did you know my name? W-why am I in the hospital? W-what happened to me?" I kept stuttering as I spoke. I was extremely confused. I was so sure that I've never seen this man before but his prescence felt familiar.

"Andrea...this isn't funny. It's me...Loki" he said, desperation was evident in his voice. "I-I'm sorry but...I don't know you" I mumbled and his face completely fell into a depressed expression. "Nurse!" he yelled and a nurse immediately came running in and once she saw me, her eyes widened. "I-I'll go call the others immediately" she said before leaving. Others? There were others?

After a few minutes, a bunch of people started to invade the room. "Andrea!" they all exclaimed with smiles on their faces. "I-I'm sorry but...who are you people? W-why do you know my name?" I questioned. They all looked like Midgardians but they were in weird clothing. "What are you talking about kid? It's us...the Avengers. We work together" a man with a black hair and in a suit said. "T-the Avengers?" I questioned as I stared at every single one of them. They did look familiar but I was sure that I've never met them before. "You must be mistaking me for someone else. I work in a pet store, I-I'm no hero..." these people were starting to creep me out. They all looked at each other with sad faces and the guy who was in my room when I woke up, suddenly left.

I saw him clench his jaw and the look of guilt in his eyes before the door completely obstructed my view. "W-what's going on here? D-did something happen to me?" I questioned then they all stared at me with sad looks in their eyes. "I-it may be alot to take in but...I guess we'll just have to start from the beginning" the man with black hair said. They all introduced themselves to me and I, in turn, introduced myself to them. It seemed like the polite thing to do. Then they began to explain things that all seemed new to me but in the back of my mind, I felt a sense of deja vu.

"I know this is alot to take in'll eventually get used to it. Now get some rest" a woman named Natasha said, gently petting my hair. I nodded then they all left the room. What they said seemed so impossible. Me teaming up with Midgardians to protect their realm? It seemed so unlike me, especially since they had an Asgardian with them and I despised Asgardians. The more I thought about it, the more my head ached so I decided not to think about it anymore. If I wasn't shackled to the bed and caged like an animal then I guess that was enough proof that I could trust them. 


Another day had begun and the flowers beside my bed were fresh and fragrant. Snapdragons, my favorite flower. Among all the flowers of earth, snapdragons have always been my favorite but how did they know? Must've been a coincidence. I reached out and grabbed one, the smell was wonderful and as I pushed the petals together, it started to look like a dragons head. It was very amusing. I couldn't help but chuckle.

Several days had passed and everyday had begun with fresh flowers on the vase beside my bed. Everytime I woke up, the flowers were fresh and they never wilted but I never knew who kept replacing them and how I never noticed. One night I tried to pretend to sleep to see who kept bringing me flowers but I eventually fell asleep and when I woke up the next day, the flowers were brand new. I stayed in the hospital for a few more days until I was allowed to leave. I overheard Mr. Stark's conversation with the doctor while they thought I was asleep and he said that I had a type of amnesia that made me forget my memories after I joined the Avengers. 

That explained why I didn't remember them or the fact that I didn't remember joining the Avengers in the first place but I guess I did. They took me to their tower which also looked new to me then they helped me with my training. I was apparently unconcious for several months and I had alot of trouble with my motor skills so Dr. Banner created a program to help me get my motor skills back. They've helped me so much but I couldn't understand why. What had I done to deserve such kindness?

A Dragon From Asgard (Loki X OC Fanfic)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now