Chapter 2: Maybe He's Not So Bad After All

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Two days had passed since I met the god of Mischief and I never bothered to return because everytime I tried to talk to him, he would lash out and threaten me. I recognised that my prescence was not welcomed near him and even if he wasn't an Asgardian, I still didn't trust him. I was currently baking some chocolate chip cookies and I had put the last batch into the oven. I ate one, it was good but there was still something missing. It was at the tip of my tongue but I just couldn't figure out what it was. Since no one was back yet and I couldn't technically ask Jarvis because he had no taste buds, I figured that I'd just quickly stop by level 0 and ask the only person that was currently present. Loki.

I grabbed a plate of cookies then went to level 0. It was going to be tough but I just had to do it. I didn't know why though, I just had to. He did say that he wasn't an Asgardian so, I guess I could trust him, anyway it would just be quick. I stepped out of the elevator and walked quietly to his cell. I knocked on the glass wall and waved at him while he just shot me a glare. "What do you want?" he growled. "Easy there Mr. grumpy. I just wanted some help. I can't figure out what's missing in these cookies so I need you to try some and tell me what's missing?" 

He snickered then he stood up and walked towards me. "Is this a trick? or are you really this stupid? Can't you tell that I'm stuck here? I'm a prisoner and you're pestering me because of cookies? Are you a child? Are you offering me cookies because you want to be my friend? Hah, that's ridiculous. Once I get out of here, mark my words, I will kill you and the rest of the Avengers. This is my promise you annoying brat!" was what I expected him to say because you know, those were the usual insults and threats but I was quickly proven wrong. "Did you make this?" he asked, looking at the plate in my hands. I nodded and he smirked but then he sighed and sat right infront of me, making me sit down too. 

"I'd love to try some but, I am currently stuck at the moment" he chuckled which made me chuckle too. "What did you do to end up like a goldfish in a tank anyway?" I asked, he stopped chuckling but he stared at me softly and he didn't seem to hear my question. I waved my hand infront of him to see if he was okay then I knocked on the glass and he seemed to snap out of his trance. "Oh I'm sorry, I was thinking about something. It's kind of silly really" he said, chuckling again but it was softer and gentler. "Sorry...what was your question again?" he asked but there was something new in his eyes, instead of the usual dull and sadness, it had a new spark of life to it like he just found something that he had been missing for a long time. "Okay...What did you do to end up in here anyway?" I repeated my question and he seemed to grow sad and looked at me with a hint of fear in his eyes. Like he was afraid that he would scare me somehow. "What?" I wondered, "Do you know what happened to New York?" he asked and my eyes widened in surprise. "T-that was you...?" 

Loki's P.O.V

This woman was truly an odd one but...she seemed interesting. Her bright purple hair and large green eyes made her look so innocent and she looked so young. There was something strange about her, she said she wasn't a mortal but she looked so much like a human and she called both me and Thor Asgardians so that means she wasn't one and the way she said it. The anger in her voice when she said the word Asgardian made me realise that she despised them as much as I did. Who was this woman? She certainly behaved like a human but the power she emitted made me sure that she wasn't human. 

And whenever she spoke, her smooth and soft voice delighted my ears and filled my heart with an unfamiliar warmth. It was a strange feeling, her prescence didn't annoy me at all and I found myself wanting to listen to her sweet voice instead of my own. I wanted her near me, I wanted to see her. I wanted to touch her soft cheeks and hold her in my embrace. To keep her safe and always be by her side. Most of all, I wanted her to trust me. Everytime she smiled, my heart would flutter and everytime she laughed my face would feel warm. I always felt a smile creep up my face everytime I saw her smiling. She was the only one that made me feel this way, the only one that treated me like I was normal. 

A Dragon From Asgard (Loki X OC Fanfic)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now