Chapter 4: Invitation

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Andrea P.O.V

"Why are we outside again?" Loki questioned as he stretched and yawned. "Well...I figured that you would want to go out again since you're free now..." he raised a brow at me. "Well...almost free. Sorry about this..." I tried not to meet his gaze. I heard him sigh then he grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers together. "I would have considered this more of a curse than being locked up if it weren't for you. You make this probation of mine less horrible than it actually is" his smile was warm and sincere and his hand felt calmingly cold. "Where do you want to go first?" I asked him. "I do feel a bit famished..."

  "Oh! right, we haven't had breakfast yet right?" I asked and he nodded. "What would you like for breakfast?" I asked. "I'm not particularly picky but I suppose something sweet wouldn't be very good to start the day with. How about you decide since you have a broader knowledge of this place" he said, suddenly wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me closer to him as I barely avoided someone who was about to crash into me. I noticed him glare at the man who wasn't paying attention to where he was going and I felt his grip on my waist tighten. "That damn mortal almost bumped into you..." he simply stated but I could tell he was annoyed.

"I-it's alright. How about we have go to Subway and get some sandwiches?" he stared at me weirdly then asked "Why would there be sandwiches in a place for trains?". I had to control myself from laughing, his confused expression was just too adorable. "There are two Subways, one is the underground train station and the other is a sandwich place. Don't worry, you'll see soon enough" I chuckled. "U-uhm...Loki?" 

"Yes, love?" he asked. It was a strange thing to call me by but I didn't mind. Maybe it was an Asgardian thing to call friends like that as it is a Midgardian thing to call your friends nicknames. "You can let go of my waist now, it's kind of hard to walk" he pulled his hand back but then he grabbed my hand again, not wanting to let go. I just sighed then guided him to where we needed to go. Once we got there, there was no line so we didn't have to wait. I ordered my sandwich then Loki ordered his and I paid for both. We ate our sandwiches while we sat on a bench at a nearby park. "This is quite delicious" he said in between bites with such wonder that I couldn't help but chuckle. 

"If you like it so much then I will make it for you back at the tower. All you need to do is ask" I said trying to stop chuckling. "You make such delicious food. You'd make a fine wife one day" he commented and I started to slow my chuckling. Sure...that is if anyone would want a creature like me for a wife. "Heh...I don't think that's such a good idea" I mumbled but I could tell he heard me because his eyes widened and he beagn to mumble to himself. "Surely you wouldn't mind getting married one day"

"Here on Midgard, women don't have to get married you know. It's different from Asgard. That's why I like it here, I'm free to do whatever I want without worrying about certain customs or a persons standing in society weighing me down" 

"So you aren't from earth then?" he questioned and that's when I knew that I had messed up. I said too much. "W-what makes you say that?" I stuttered which probably justified his suspicion of me. I tried to avoid his gaze but I could tell he was grinning from ear to ear. He liked the fact that he was uncovering my secrets. "Nothing. Just a weird feeling. Nevermind" he said while his grin only grew. I sighed a breath of relief when he decided to drop the subject. I really didn't want him to know where I really came from, it would just be...weird. Even if I knew he wasn't an Asgardian because of his eyes, it would still feel weird to tell him that I'm a creature that was only known to exist in myths. 

"Tell me more about yourself, Loki" I asked, trying to change the subject and direct the attention away from myself. "Well there's nothing much to say really. I grew up with that idiot of an adoptive brother, Thor. I felt inferior to him so I tried to rule Midgard with an alien army then eventually ended up being defeated and now I'm being forced to become an Avenger to avoid being locked up like an animal and to be able to see someone I admire regularly. I'm also originally not from Asgard, my real father abandoned me so Odin essentially kidnapped me and raised me as his own. Although, my childhood was fun. I got to play tricks and pranks on the people back at the castle, including my brother" he chuckled but I couldn't shake away the sadness that I felt after hearing everything that he had gone through.

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