Chapter 1: Me? An Avenger?

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Earth seemed like a strange place but I quickly learned to adapt to its strange ways. I had to change my appearance slightly in order to fit in more. I made myself look more human and I changed my eye color from a fiery red to a forest green. I learned all I needed to know about the customs of earth through reading their books. I loved books and its also where I learned to use all of their advanced technological devices. It took some time to get used to but it was better than how I lived back on Asgard. Here, on earth, I was free and I didn't have to answer to anybody. My kind was rare, even on Asgard. We usually kept to ourselves and only their king knew of our existence. We helped him in secret and he promised to keep our existence a secret but...something...happened.

I finally made it to my apartment building, the owner was kind enough to give me an apartment for a lower price since I was 'young' and in 'school' but in reality, I was much older than her and I didn't go to school. Instead, I went to the library and worked in a pet store. I loved the creatures of earth and when an opportunity came for me to be able to earn money while spending the day with them, I took it immediately. It was a win-win situation and I could pay for my rent. "Welcome back Andrea, how was school?" Mrs. Marsh asked, popping her head out of her apartment. "It was fine Mrs. Marsh. How was your day?"

"It was wonderful, dear. I made some sugar cookies and I made too much. Would you like some?" she offered and before I could answer, she handed me a bag of cookies that were tied with a ribbon. Mrs. Marsh was the owner of the building and she also loved to bake, everytime she baked she would give me some too and she never took no for an answer. I thanked her for the cookies  then walked up stairs to my apartment. I noticed that there was something infront of my door. Something small and round and...metallic. I quickly grabbed it and entered my apartment, making sure to lock the door behind me. 

I examined the strange new object, it wasn't in any of the books I read about Midgardian technology so either the books had to be updated or this was technology that was too advanced for its time. I flipped the object over and I saw an A on the back then the object began to glow and a persons face appeared out of it. "Ah...Hello Ms. Andrea. You may know me as billionare, handsome playboy, philanthropist Tony Stark and I am sending this holographic message to you because on behalf of the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D, we would like to recruit you as one of the Avengers. We know what you did to the school bus filled with children and we would like you to become a part of our team, to help us in protecting earth. We hope for a reply as soon as you receive this message. Sincerely yours, Tony Stark as Iron Man" the message ended and the hologram disappeared.

The Avengers...want to recruit me? No way...I won't accept this. Especially not when one of them is my enemy. I will never side with them again. I curse these Asgardians for all that they did to me and my people. I will never help them. Never.


"Something on your mind, Andrea?" Jackson, my boss asked, pulling my head out of the clouds. I didn't even notice that I was staring into nothing until he pointed it out to me. "Huh? Oh!'s just...I ate too many sugar cookies and I didn't sleep well. Sorry..." I replied, returning to my duties. I fed the snakes their meal and groomed the puppies then cleaned the bird cages and changed their food and water. I also changed the kitty litter and restocked the shelves with canned pet food. All in all it was a normal day at the store although we did get newly hatched baby geckos from the breeder and it was my job to take care of them and make sure they were eating well and weren't too stressed out about their new surroundings. 

After a while, my shift was finally over. "Nice work today as usual, Andrea. I'll mail you your paycheck tomorrow. You can take the day off tomorrow since you've been working so hard" he said, smiling at me as I put my apron back into my locker. "Thanks boss, I think I will. There are some books at home that I haven't read yet and I'd like to finish them. I'll be going now, bye boss!" I cheered, walking out of the store with my bag in hand. I immediately went home, feeling excited to read the countless books I had bought just the other week. I said a quick 'Hello' to Mrs. Marsh then I ran up the stairs to my apartment. I got in, got changed into green comfy shorts and a black tank top then went back to the kitchen to fix myself some tea and snacks.

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