It just does

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Chapter 7:

I woke up slowly and looked around. I was in my room but I felt someones arm securely around my waist. I turned and faced a sleepy Tom. He had stayed with me last night after everyone had left. I looked at the clock behind him. it read 8 which means I have to get the boys up and make them breakfast.

"Tom wake up interview today." I was going to tough trough the day and try and work past it. He didn't wake up. I went over to the boys flat and knocked on each of their doors and went to the kitchen to start breakfast. I was getting a pan when someone grabbed my wrist.

"You are not doing anything today. You are going to stay here. We will be fine." Tom said looking me square in the eye.

"Tom if I stay here all day by myself I will lose it. I need something to focus on. And if it gets to be too much you will be first to know." He was still looking at me  skeptically but then I guess he knew I wouldn't budge because he just nodded. "Wake the others I need to change." I said walking across the hall into my place and I pulled on a sweater dark jeans and some flats. I brushed my hair and grabbed my bags. I walked into the boys all sitting at the table eating quietly. I really was hurting but I was not going to let it bother me.

"Let's go van is waiting." I said and they all got up and listened,


The boys had finished one interview and were almost done with their second one. I was sitting behind the stage playing on my phone. But me being alone scared me. I felt as if I was being left again but then out of nowhere someone gave me a huge hug. It was Tom.

"We will never leave you alone Ainsley." He whispered into my ear. I put my arms around his neck and then felt other people join the hug. I laughed when I saw Nathan, Max, Jay, and Siva. We stood there for a little bit but then let go to get back to the flat.


Today was the day we were leaving for Ibiza. It was a vacation for one week and then we were coming back to London for a little more break.

"Okay off my bed and go get your suitcases and the boys." I said to Tom who was just laying on my bed playing on his phone. We had become really close. I could tell he wanted more than just a friendship and I admittedly, kind of wanted it to but I just don't know if I was ready.

I walked into the boys flat and Tom was sitting on the couch on his phone and Nathan was sleeping as was Siva and Max. Jay must've been feeding Tia or something.

"I thought I told you to get the boys up."

"There here just asleep." He said hitting Max making him wake up.

"Okay well lets go boys, its vacation time."


"I want to go to the beach first." I said and all the boys agreed. we had just gotten to Ibiza and we were going into the hotel right now. I went into my room to change out of my clothes i wore on to the plane and put on a Aztec bikini and a pair of short denim shorts with a see through white tank. I brushed my natural waves out and then grabbed a beach bag putting sunglasses, magazine, sunblock SPF 90 for Jay and his poor skin, and then my phone.

I got a text from the boys saying that they were in the lobby waiting.I walked down to see them all waiting.

"Lets go, I need sun now." I said. The boys followed but I couldn't help but see them all give me a once over. I guess they had only seen me dressed conservatively. Well I was in no way scared or embarrassed to show a little skin. We walked to the beach and I just sat there looking out at the water and taking in my surroundings. It was beautiful here. I stripped off my shirt.

"Who wants to play football?" Which was soccer. I grinned because little known fact is that I used to play soccer. Well before I was kicked off the team for bad attitude and awful grades.

"I want Ainsley on my team!" Tom yelled and he shot me a grin. I had told him about me playing soccer the other day. He had been at my flat late at night when neither of us could sleep and we would just talk for hours.

Our team was me Tom and Jay. The other team was Nathan Max and Siva. We played for a while and lets just say We whipped their butts.

"Okay boys I am going swimming, who wants to join me?" I said taking off my shorts and running to the water. I made it out to the ocean and stopped at the waters edge to take in the view of the ocean when I heard all of the boys running in behind me.

"Ainsley?" I heard Tom say from behind me. I turned and saw that look on his face. I started backing up further into the water when I crashed into someone turning I saw it was Jay with a similar look on his face. i went to run but they caught me and threw me into the water. when i came up I glared at them.

"Maxie." I said giving him a sweet look him, Siva and Nath came over to my side. We all looked at each other and then Jay and Tom started to run. Me and Max followed Tom while Nath and Siva followed Jay. The two following Jay had it easy because he tripped after running about three feet and fell into the water. Max gave up chasing Tom. Lazy ass. When i got close enough I jumped onto his back. "Got ya."

"What did you just say something Max? I just heard something." He said playing dumb. He started walking around with me on his back into deeper water then I realized what he was going to do so i tried to get off but grabbed my hands and dunked us both. We came up for air. The water was to our shoulders. We started splashing each other.

"Want to head back to the hotel?" Tom asked.

"Yes!" I said. We went back to the beach but it seems that the boys were going to stay for a bit longer. "Let's go get changed and then get some ice cream!" Tom said. I laughed but followed him to the hotel.

"Lobby five minutes staring now!" I said sprinting, "Last one ready buys ice cream." I yelled and continued to run to my room laughing. I saw him take off to his room. I ran in and threw open my suitcase, i grabbed a pair of denim shorts and pink tank top and changed into them adding a pair of brown sandals, i grabbed a hair tie and my purse and ran out of my room. As i was walking out i threw my hair in a sloppy pony. I saw Tom right when he saw me and we both started running for the lobby. I beat him there by a split second.

"Ha! I won!"

"No, you cheated!" He said yelling back at me laughing.

"No! It would have been cheating if you won!" I shot back.

"How does that work?" He asked leading me out of the lobby into the hot sun.

I shrugged. "It just does."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2012 ⏰

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