Or else

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Chapter 5:

I woke up to my alarm at 5:00, why am I up so early because the boys had an interview and a gig today. So I have to go drag them out of their beds. This was going to be a fun day. Note the sarcasm. I went to my bathroom and pulled on a pair of jeans and a peach colored blouse. i braided part of my curly hair back and slipped on some sandals. I grabbed my large tote bag and went next door. I have been getting pretty used to this as my job over the last few weeks. So I know that even though I told them all to be up and ready by 5:30 they would still be in bed. I walked into their apartment and exactly as i thought they are all still asleep. I went to Siva and then max's rooms first because they would be easiest to wake up. Next was Jay, he was sometimes difficult but this morning he actually got up pretty easily. And the most dreaded was Tom and Nathan. I saved Tom for last because Nath would take longer to get ready.

"Nath wake up." Nothing. "Nathan James Sykes you will get up or else." He actually got up much to my surprise. I think the boys were kind of scared of the or else. One morning it had been Max and I flipping Nathans bed over, with him on it. Another it had been a megaphone in the ears. I had a long list of things.

"Tom wake up." What is wrong with these boys, honestly. I threatened with the or else but still nothing.

"Looks like Tom gets the or else boys, care to watch?" I said walking into the kitchen.

"Ooh, let me get the flip." Jay said running into his room. "So ladies and gentlemen, this is our lovely assistant Ainsley." I waved at the camera and went to the closet to get a bucket. "It is five in the morning and we have to get to a interview and Tom has still not woke up. And Ann here is pretty mean if you don't wake up." He explained as I filled the bucket up with ice water and threw in some ice cubes just to be safe. The boys all followed me into Toms room quietly.

"Thomas Anthony Parker I will give you one last chance to wake up." Nothing. "Okay you asked for it." I said as I dumped the ice water on him. We all doubled over in laughter when he screamed like a little girl and then screamed a list of profanities as he walked into the bathroom. "Tom you have five minutes hurry up." I yelled. He came out in dry clothes and was very, very grumpy.

I grabbed my tote bag and did a double check of things, i made sure i had my phone, Planner, Flip, Snacks, and I was holding Jays phone so he didn't lose it again. Wow I really was their babysitter.

"Out the door now, we have places to go, people to see." I said ushering them out to the van where they would all hopefully go to sleep so that I can play with my phone in peace.


We had just gotten to the studio where we were going to do interviews for a few hours and then we were to head to the venue. The boys had all fell asleep in the van again which was good but now I had to wake them up. They all woke up somewhat easily so that part is done but now we had to deal with fans. Even at 7:30 in the morning the fans were there waiting outside and started to cheer when then van pulled up.

"Okay boys you only have ten minutes before we have to be in there so make it quick." I said, I was in business mode. They got out of the van and went to their fans and I was waiting by the door keeping a eye on them. They were all caught up in fans and lost track of time so they had to get to the first studio were they would be doing live-stream first. I helped them get all of what they were doing ready and they learned a new song like five minutes before they went on. I hoped they did it well and remembered it. I went and stood next to Martin outside the door and watched the boys on the TV. They were doing good and having fun which was good.

They were making everyone laugh which was a plus. Once the were finished we hoped into the van and drove to the next place where they would be doing a interview on live TV so they had to get styled. While waiting for their time on air they decided to film with the flip some.

"boys you are going to be on in five lets go." I said and grabbed the flip from Jay. The man doing an interview asked some questions and the boys answered and the best was when he asked what the last thing they laughed really hard at was.

"Well actually it was this morning when we had to get up and everyone was up except Tom. And our lovely assistant Ainsley decided to wake him up, by pouring a bucket of ice water on him. He was soaked." Max explained. They were all laughing again but Tom who looked on the verge of a Tom tantrum. Oh not good. But thankfully they moved on from that topic.


"Please Ainsley?" Jay asked.

"No, you guys are on schedule."

"But we would love you forever." Tom said. They were trying to convince me to let them go out and explore town since they had two hours break.

"Fine," They all cheered. "But only if you all stick with me and don't make a big scene. We don't want to be mobbed."

We went to some stores and then a coffee shop and walked around forever. The boys had only been asked for their autograph a few times so it wasn't horrible. We even made it back in time. The boys were all off getting ready so I sat on the couch and went on twitter. Tom ran and jumped on to the couch next to me. Scared the living daylights out of me too.

"What are you doing?" He asked nosily looking at my phone screen.

"None of you business."

"Fine," He pouted. I laughed at his silliness. I had become pretty close to the boys this past few weeks but more so with Tom. It was fun to be around him. But I wasn't going to let myself be more than friends with any of these boys. Or anyone for that matter, because I could not get attached to them.

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