51. Ring

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SETTING: Soon after Rei moves into Varia mansion

"What's this?" Lussuria's voice was raised in excitement, "how precious!"

Buried under a pile of packed boxes and giving up after a stack of books toppled onto him, Rei thought he'd take a nap before continuing. But at the noise, Rei swung around-- when did Lussuria enter his room?? 

Lussuria had picked up a small box at the desk-- a little black case made of some felt-like material-- and inside he had found two gems.

One red, one blue, and two bobby pins it had broken out of.

Emerging from under a mountain of objects, Rei stepped over.

"Oh, those," he chuckled, leaning over casually on Lussuria's arm, "some bullies broke them when I was still in school, but I couldn't bear to throw them away!"

"They're small, but they're important to you, aren't they?" Lussuria fawned, raising his left hand, showing me a small, silver ring on his middle finger, "it's like this one I got from my ex."

Rei was in awe. An ex? Did Lussuria still linger for a breakup? regardless, the fact that a ring came could maybe mean it was a divorce...?

"What's that contemplative look for?" Lussuria chuckled.

Rei blushed, "well-- just, I realized that I uh," he looked away, "know nothing about you..."

At that Lussuria laughed, "relax, sweetheart! You're my understudy now, we'll take our time!"

Rei couldn't help but smile.

Closing the box, Lussuria seemed to have an interesting idea. Picking out the two gems, he looked back at Rei and asked, "could I borrow these?"

"Huh?" Rei was baffled-- sure, he had long gotten over his broken pins, but that didn't mean the gems weren't treasures to him. Not that he didn't trust Lussuria, but...

"No worries, I'm just gonna bring this over to the jeweler later," Lussuria assured, sensing the reluctance in the younger male.

"Wha-- the jeweler?" Rei was now scared--was Lussuria gonna use the gems and turn them into jewellery? 

"Shhh, take it as a welcoming gift from me," Lussuria grinned, tucking the gems into his suit pocket.

"I- I can't impose on you like this-- I've only just..." Rei was panicked. He'd only just joined the Varia, this kindness was very unprecedented. 

"Ah, I've just remembered I have a pair of green earring I no longer use. Maybe I should add that too."

"Lussuria, are you ignoring me?!"





Rei eyes the ring on his right middle finger. 

It was simply a decoration, a fragile ring not built to be durable like his other two rings. A simple silver band, with three gems lined up-- red, green, blue.

Smiling to himself, he chuckled.

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