46. TakeRei Confessions [Take #5]

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Takeshi was quite literally inhaling his food down

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Takeshi was quite literally inhaling his food down. PE had just ended, so he was absolutely famished. Gobbling down his whole lunchbox in minutes, Tsuna watched in awe.

"Really, Yamamoto-kun, how do you have so much energy? I'm so tired I lost my appetite..." Tsuna mumbled to himself, "I feel full just looking at you."

 "You make me lose my appetite," Gokudera acted repulsed, "did you even chew anything?"

Yamamoto laughed, "Maybe not!"

"He's been like that since young," Rei inserted himself into the conversation, "I think his stomach acid is ten times stronger than a normal human's so he doesn't even need to chew."

"That would melt his stomach walls, Green."

"His stomach walls are made of steel, maybe."

"That's his brain," Gokudera retorted, "Nothing goes in, nothing comes out."

Yamamoto smiled, "You too sure get along!"

"What did I tell you?" Gokudera groaned, "his brain isn't a functioning organ!"

"I agree," Rei miserably admitted. Looking at Takeshi, "Oh, you've got rice on your chin," Rei noticed. Casually picking it, Rei transferred the grain to his mouth.

Tsuna and Gokudera froze.

"Oh, it tastes like soy sauce," Rei pointed out. 

"Really? I ate it so fast I didn't even notice," Takeshi chuckled.

"Couldn't you at least get a taste? Your dad made it for you, y'know?" Rei began a motherly lecture, "well, I'm gonna guess Tsuyoshi-san would say he doesn't mind but-- wait, Tsuna, are you blushing? Why?"

Tsuna, hiding his face, was just speechless.

"Nothing!" he quickly denied.

Gokudera was ready to kill a man.


Rei was not much a fan of chocolate; but that didn't mean he hated it.

Munching on a chocolate sandwich bun hungrily, he licked his lips and ate the fastest he had ever in a while.

Takeshi, walking home with Rei, found the scene amusing. Rei always took small but quick bites, unlike Takeshi who took large chunks, and if he had time he chewed slow. They were polar opposites in this manner.

"Rei, you eat like a hamster," he pointed out.

"Shush," he grumbled. Finishing up his sandwich, Rei chewed up the last bit and swallowed it quickly. Licking his lips, he looked like he wanted more. 

The corners of his lips were plastered with sticky brown chocolate-- messy eating, which was prone to eating chocolate in general but Rei was usually a clean eater.

Takeshi couldn't help but laugh. 

Rei looked up curiously. "Hm?"

Digging out his handkerchief from his pocket, he gestured for the boy to come closer to wipe off the chocolate from Rei's mouth.

Perhaps it was an unconscious action, or maybe Rei was uncomfortable with the close eye contact, so his eyes furled close.

Takeshi, seeing that, felt something in him freeze up. Rei, that is very, very suggestive--

And on an impulse Takeshi just leaned in and pecked the boy on the lips briefly.

Rei screeches, flushing madly red, backing away and hiding his face. "Takeshi! What the hell was that for?!?"

Tucking the handkerchief into his pocket, Takeshi casually turned around and continued walking. "That chocolate pie's pretty nice. Maybe I'll get one for myself next time."


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