27. The Other One

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SETTING -  Chapter 104: Seclude

AN: he is not in fact Zen. It happened a Century ago. He's an OC I created for plot purposes  

In correspondence to Chapter 104, there was once another man that went down the same route as Rei. The route of 'transferrence'. 

Rei was cursed with a lung impairment, because Drew had died from asphyxiation.

But this man-- this man, we will call Titus for now-- he had committed suicide. Usually, they would be cursed with a wound similarly to Rei's case. But Titus-- he was cursed with immortality.

Now many may ask-- why was he cursed with something like that, while Rei received a condition making him suffer for a long term?

We don't know his story, so it's hard to say.

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