33. Gokudera

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SETTING -  after Chapter 105: Spill

"I'll head over the a vending machine. You want something?" Takeshi offered, getting up from the chair he sat on.

It was a friendly hospital visit from Takeshi and Tsuna, with a reluctant Gokudera tagging along. As Takeshi left the room, Tsuna felt awkward.

Gokudera and Rei were stale and silent to each other.

"Tenth," Gokudera suddenly spoke up, "I utmost apologize-- but may I request you to step out of the room for a moment?"

This made both Rei and Tsuna stop in utter surprise. It was a very rare occurrence that Gokudera would speak to Tsuna like that-- Gokudera acted quite submissive to Tsuna on a daily basis, so asking favours and requesting actions were almost taboo to his code.

Tsuna really didn't want to. After all, these two had the fight of the century just yesterday! 

But Gokudera's loyalty was one thing he wanted to believe him. And thus, with a nervous smile on his face, Tsuna left the room.

Upon his exit, Gokudera turned to Rei. Their eyes meeting, Rei gulped. Gokudera was staring with level 100 seriousness, so Rei, dripping with cold sweat, quickly tore his eyes away from the silveret.

"Look, I-" Gokudera had spoken. Nervously, and reluctantly perhaps, but he had spoken. "I apologize for yesterday."

Rei, upon hearing the unexpected words, was tempted to tease the boy with a sarcastic joke. But now-- Rei knew it wasn't the time for tactless jokes.

"Me too," he admitted. Only a very polite smile formed on his face, and he couldn't lift his eyes to look at the bomber boy in the eyes. He knew Gokudera was facing him bravely, though.

"I'm sorry, Gokudera." Rei admitted. "I was a coward-- and I'm not strong at all. I'm a burden, and always cause trouble for you guys. You were completely right."

Standing up quickly, Gokudera interrupted Rei sharply, "Enough with that!" he growled, "Don't you understand the concept of a freaking apology?? Could you just shut up and say 'it's alright I forgive you' like the cheesy cliche this is supposed to go!?"

Now, Rei was shocked speechless.

Eyeing the frustrated Gokudera with an appalled look, Gokudera rolled his eyes and groaned.

"I don't care if you're weak." Gokudera mumbled, "As long as the Tenth wills so, we'll save you as many times as you're willing to go kill yourself." 

Sitting back down, Gokudera picked out a lollipop from his pocket, opened it, and stuck it in his mouth as a replacement for the smoke he really needed at the moment.

"But I won't forgive you if you become a burden to the Tenth!" Gokudera warned harshly.

Rei flinched as Gokudera suddenly raised his tone.

"So basically what I'm trying to say is--" Gokudera scratched the back of his head, diverting his eyes as if he was embarrassed and reluctant to say this, "We'll wait till you get stronger. So until then, hurry up and get stronger, you moron."

There was a pause.

Rei felt his whole world light up slightly at those words-- he felt so, so happy; and those words made him feel so, so, fortunate-- so, so blessed.

Clutching the sheets, he felt a tear escape his eyes. He bit his lip and struggled to bite back tears-- but he sniffled and just lost control of it all.

Gokudera took a step back in panic, "Huh?! Wait why the hell are you cryin'--"

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