35. Her

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"Why did Mama leave?"

Yuuichirou was quite appalled to hear the question.

Seven-year-old Sae looked up with an eye of curiosity. She was cradled in her father's lap, a picture storybook at her chest.

But Yuuichirou had not once mentioned about 'Mama' to Sae.

Not to Sui, not even to Rei. This family had functioned with the natural belief that they did not have a mother. It simply went without saying, and no one had wondered about the matter enough to dwell on it.  

As the children grew up, Yuuichirou expected someone to ask about 'Mama'. But he didn't expect Sae to be the one. 

Must less, Sae even deduced that Mama 'left'.

"You see, Sae," Yuuichirou chuckled, his arms around his daughter, "One day, someone will tell you to choose. To choose if you want your family; or your friends."

"Yuki-sensei asked Sae that before!" Sae beamed, "and Sae chose family!"

With a short silence, Yuuichirou smiled a little sadly. "That's admirable, Sae." he said softly, "Your Mama chose the same."

"Mama too?" Sae cheered excitedly.

Yuuichirou nodded. "But Papa chose his friends." 

"Ehhh," Sae whined, "Whyyy?"

Left without an answer to give, Yuuichirou burst into chuckles. Sae softly punched him in the chest with a childish, half-tantrum; but Yuuichirou could only laugh harder after that, providing half-hearted apologies to his little daughter.


She chose to protect her family, so she cut all ties with them and left. She became an official Mafioso; without a family to burden and bring her down.

He chose to protect his friends, so he cut all ties with them and left. He became a wanted rouge; just so he could have a chance to see his family again.

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