It Started With a Confession

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Warning: This story contains strong language and sexual themes.

Lena's POV
My heart throbbed, as our lips parted for the first time. Our faces were still close, and I could feel her warm breath against my face. I had so many questions I wanted answering. At the same time, I just wanted to pour my heart and soul into Kara's lips.
"Lena I-" Kara tried to say.
I cut her off mid-sentence.
"It can wait." I said, throwing my lips back onto hers.

I had yearned for the taste of Kara's lips, for as long as I could remember. Although she wasn't wearing lip balm, she tasted sweet. Probably because she eats so much sugar! But I didn't mind. This first kiss was everything I'd dreamed it to be, and more. Our lips felt like magnets. The moment we broke away, they were pressed together again in the most intimate of moments.

I just couldn't shake these questions, rattling around in my mind. I wanted to be making out with Kara more than anything in the world, but if I didn't ask these questions, I'd go insane. I pulled away again, and held her shoulders. She didn't say a thing. I could just hear her breathing heavily.
"Kara, I'd give anything to be fucking you right now. I've waited so long for this, but we really need to talk. I have so much I need to ask you." I gasped, in between deep breaths.

Red boiled up over Kara's face. She flinched as she blushed from my words. Maybe that was a bit too much for her to take. At heart, she is only a child, and I've probably just put new thoughts in her head that shouldn't be there. Her eyes shifted to the side, trying to avoid eye contact.
"Hey!" I said, shaking her shoulders.
Her eyes instantly darted back up to mine.
"I'm sorry if I overstepped a mark there. I've just been holding these feelings in for so long, that it just slipped out."

"It's okay... I don't really mind..." Kara shyly mumbled.

"You've kept this Supergirl thing a secret for a long time, haven't you?" I softly asked.
I didn't want her to think I was angry at her for never telling me.

"I was going to tell you! I promise! I just... never found the right time."

"You killed for me, Kara. I thought Supergirl was all about saving lives, not ending them?"
That was the main thing I wanted answers for. The rest could wait until the time was right.

"I uhm... I have a history with James too, you see..." she said, nervously.

I wasn't really aware that James and Kara had a thing. We hadn't talked about it that much. I guess he didn't get into her good books though.

"I felt myself falling for him when we first met. It never started well though. Turns out, he still had feelings for Lucy Lane: Lois Lane's sister. I wasn't aware that he had an ex and it threw me off. Looking back on it, I think he just wanted to be close to my cousin. He never loved her, or me. He just wanted that close connection to Superman."

My hands slid down, off of her shoulders, and found their way into Kara's hands. Our fingers intertwined, and I squeezed her palms tightly. I just looked at her, waiting for her to continue talking. I was captivated by her every word.

"He hurt me, and when I found out that he'd hurt you too, I was just so full of rage. I love you Lena Luthor, and I couldn't have him killing you inside, the same way he did to me. He had to go."

"I understand that. Thank you for looking out for me. I couldn't have ever wished for a better person to be in my life. I love you ever so much Kara."
I put my arms around her and hugged her. We were just huddled up on the floor in the corner of my office.

"Okay but, why the glasses?! And why were they in that bag?" I asked her while giggling.

"Oh, these?" she said, taking the glasses off her face. "I thought they would've looked good on you. I put a note in the bag actually."

She placed the glasses on my face, and slid the bag over to me. My hands rummaged through the package. Inside, was a bottle of vodka, a card and a tiny pocket mirror. Kara treats me so well, I don't deserve her in my life at all.
"Mirror!" she exclaimed.
I pulled the mirror out, as she'd asked me to do. I looked at myself in the reflection.
"See! I told you they'd look great!"
She was right, of course. The glasses did look pretty cute.

Kara's excitement dwindled away, and the red glow on her face reappeared.
"It's... It's actually kind of sexy seeing you in glasses..."

I glanced down at the note in the bag, and read the words 'maybe we could enjoy this together'. That gave me an idea. Pulling Kara up off the floor, I asked her if she'd like to have a drink. I know she's not much of a drinker, but she was the one who said we should share it.
"Maybe it's best if I get changed first!" she said, making a gesture to her Supergirl outfit. "You can come over to mine, if you'd rather."
I smiled, taking Kara's hand. She cradle lifted me into her arms, and out the window we flew. I would still have to get that broken glass fixed though...

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