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Your POV

"I can't do it."

"Y/n, go."

"Dinah, I can't do it," I pleaded with the girl.

"If you don't get out of my car and go knock on her door in the next five seconds I will drag you out," she threatened.



"Are you serious right n-"


"Dinah, please."


"Okay! Okay, I'm going!" I said, getting out of the car and slowly making my way to Camila's front door.

When I got to her door I turned around, debating on whether or not to run back, only to see Dinah driving off.

"Are you fucking kidding me," I mumbled to myself as I faced the door again.

I brought my hand up and rang the doorbell, tapping my foot in anticipation. I heard footsteps approaching the door, making my heart rate accelerate.

The door opened, revealing Camila, who had obviously just gotten out of bed. Confusion took over her features as she looked at me.


"Hi," I said in a small voice.

"What are you doing here? It's almost midnight," she said, grabbing my hand and pulling me inside of her house.

"I wanted to apologize," I mumbled.

"Apologize for what?" She asked as she walked to the kitchen and I followed her.

"Freaking out and slamming the door in your face..." I trailed off as she began fixing two cups of coffee. "Aren't you mad at me?"

"Why would I be mad at you? I should be the one apologizing. I didn't mean to catch you off guard like that," she said. "I just thought we had something going."

"Wait, you think I didn't like the kiss?

"Isn't that why you slammed the door in my face?" She asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"No, I just got scared," I said, making her giggle.

"Don't laugh," I whined as she walked over to me.

"You're so cute," she said, cupping my rosy cheek and leaning in to kiss me gently.

"I'm glad you came over to tell me this," she mumbled when we pulled away.

"Dinah kind of made me, and then left me here so..."

"You wanna stay over?" She asked, picking up the two hot cups of coffee and handing me one.

"Is that okay with you?"

"Is that even a question?" She asked back with a smile as we sat down on the couch.

"Can I ask you something?" I spoke.

"Go ahead."

"You said you thought we had something going..." I trailed off, watching her nod. "What did you mean by that?"

"I mean that I think we click and I'd really like it if we took this farther," she said, making me realize she was serious about this.

"Camila, I don't want to make it sound like I don't feel something for you too, but-"

"You still have feelings for Lauren," she finished before taking a sip of her coffee.

"I wish I didn't," I said sadly.

"Let me help you forget her," she said, taking both of our cups and placing them on the coffee table.

"I don't know if that's a good idea..." I trailed off as she scooted closer to me and rubbed my waist.

"I think it's a great idea," she mumbled against my skin as she started kissing my neck.

"Are you sure?" I asked breathily, weaving my fingers through her hair as she came up to kiss my lips.

"I'm sure," she answered before deepening the kiss.

"Do you want this?" She asked when she pulled back.

I opened my eyes slowly, studying her face a bit as she rubbed my waist gently.


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