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Your POV

"I think that looks perfect," I told Dinah as I handed her notebook back to her.

She had convinced me to come to the studio with her and I was currently helping her with a song.

"Really?" She asked, taking the notebook from me.

"Yea, the chorus is really clever. Where'd the inspiration for that come from?" I asked her.

"I don't even know to be honest," she laughed as she leaned back in her seat and her phone went off.

"Who's that?" I asked when I saw her face change.

"I have a surprise for you," she smirked, standing up and walking to the door.

When she opened the door I felt the smile grow on my face.

Camila walked in with a bright smile and a bouquet of flowers in her hand. I hadn't seen her for a week because of how busy she was, and I definitely wasn't expecting to see her today.

I stood up and ran over to her, pulling her into a big hug as she laughed against the side of my head.

"Missed me?" She asked with a smile.

"Don't get cocky now, Cabello," I told her as I pulled away slightly.

"These are for you," she told me, handing me the flowers.

"Thank you," I smiled. "They're so pretty."

"Pretty flowers for a prettier girl."

"Okay, I've had enough. This is torture. I'm going to need you two to tone it down," Dinah spoke up as she sat back in her seat.

"Hey, you knew what you were getting yourself into when you told me to come surprise her," Camila defended as she sat down in the chair I was previously sitting in before pulling me onto her lap.

"Whatever," Dinah said, waving her off.

"I thought you were busy today?" I asked Camila, who shook her head.

"I just told you that because I wanted you to be surprised."

"Wow, so you lied to me?" I asked as I feigned offense.

"Don't worry. I'll make it up to you later," she told me.

"Once again, I am right here," Dinah spoke up, making us laugh. "Now, let's finish this song."

I turned on Camila's lap to get more comfortable as Dinah pulled out her notebook again and we got back to work.


"Stop," I told Camila with a laugh as I swung my legs back and forth.

"What? I'm not doing anything," she defended herself with a small smile as she continued to stir the food she was cooking, swinging her hips in a circle as she stirred it.

I laughed when she started stirring the opposite direction, changing the way she was swinging her hips as well.

"Are you laughing at me?" She asked, feigning offense as she turned the stove down and walked over to stand between my legs.

"No," I told her as she rested her hands on my knees.

"Liar," she said, trailing her hands up rest on my hips as she pulled me closer to the edge of the counter.

"What are you gonna do about it?" I asked with raised eyebrows as I slowly got closer to her.

"I can think of a few things," she smirked as our lips locked and my hands flew to her hair.

I let her tongue enter my mouth, feeling her hands slip under my shirt as we moved in sync.

I slowed the kiss down and pulled away abruptly.

"You better go tend to your food, Chef Cabello," I teased her, making her eyes widen as she ran back to the stove and stirred the food.

"You distracted me," she said as I jumped off the counter.

"How?" I asked as she turned the stove off completely.

"For starters, you look like that," she said, gesturing to my body. "I can't keep my hands off of you."

She moved closer to me, bringing her hands back to my hips as she trapped me between her and the counter.

"I look like a mess," I said as my hands trailed up her torso.

"A hot mess," she corrected, leaning forward to press kisses against the skin of my neck and chest that was exposed due to my low cut top.

"Camila," I breathed out when her lips moved more roughly against my skin.

"Hmm?" She hummed in response, her hands slipping into the back of my sweatpants and palming my ass.

"Oh my God," I moaned when her hips ground into mine and something hard pressed into my sex.

"What's in your pants?" I asked, making her stop her movements as she slowly pulled back.

"Uh... I meant to tell you about that," she said, taking her hands off my hips.

"Tell me about what?" I asked her, reaching out to grab her hands and place them back on my hips.

"It's uh... it's really complicated-"

"Then make it simple," I cut her off, not understanding why she was freaking out.

"I have a dick."

"A what?"

"A penis," she said, making me even more confused.

"Like a real one?"

"Yes, it's definitely real," she said, blushing.

"And it works?"

"Yea-" She coughed. "It uh... it works."

"And you were so nervous to tell me about this why?"

"It doesn't freak you out," she asked, her shocked expression making me laugh.

"No, but can I ask how that works?" I asked her, trying to word everything carefully so I wouldn't upset her.

"I was born intersex, which is why I have that and these," she said, motioning to her chest. "Even though these aren't very big and I could probably pass for a boy."

I laughed slightly at her comment as I pulled her closer to me.

"I like them. They're the perfect size," I said, letting my hands trail up her chest and massage her boobs slightly. "Besides, from what I felt earlier you make up what you lack there with what's between your legs."

Her eyes widened at my comment as she seemed to finally gain some confidence back.

"So, you're really okay with this?"

"Yes, Camila. I like you for you," I told her, leaning in to kiss her softly. "And I'm bisexual anyways so it's not like the dick itself is going to bother me."

She smirked slightly as her hands trailed up my body and cupped my cheeks. She kissed me softly, as if she was trying to communicate how much she appreciated me in that moment through the kiss.

"You're amazing," she told me when she pulled away.

"I know," I joked, flipping my hair over my shoulder.

"Don't get cocky now, Y/ln," she warned.

"Or what? You'll dick me down?"

I expected the comment to surprise her, but she didn't even flinch.

"Oh, I'll do more than that," she stated.

"Can't wait, daddy," I said, patting her cheek before slipping behind her to grab a bowl and serve myself some food.

"You'll see," she warned as she served herself as well.

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