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Your POV

"Camila?" I called out as I entered her house.

We had been officially dating for a few weeks now and it was honestly amazing.

She had taken me on a few more dates and basically treated me like a queen as often as she could.

"Camila?" I called out again, confused on why her front door wasn't locked.

She hadn't responded to any of my messages all day and I was starting to get worried.

I walked farther into her house, following the sound of a piano I could hear someone playing.

"Camila," I stated when I turned the corner and saw her sitting at the piano.

She jumped slightly, turning and visibly relaxing when she saw me standing there.

"Hey, you never said you were coming over," she said, standing up and walking over to kiss my lips.

"Yes, I did," I said, unlocking my phone to show her the multiple messages I sent earlier.

She furrowed her eyebrows and pulled her phone out of her pocket, clicking the home button only for it to show a dead battery.

"Well, that explains why I didn't get your messages," she laughed.

"I was worried," I told her, making her look back over at me. "Why was your front door unlocked?"

"I don't know," she shrugged. "I've been all over the place all day."

"Camila, you have to slow down," I told her, grabbing her hands and pulling her to sit in the living room.

"I can't," she admitted, brushing her hair out of her face, which gave me a clear view of her tired eyes.

"You look exhausted."

"Thanks," she said sarcastically, making me roll me eyes.

"I'm serious, Cam," I said. "When was the last time you actually slept."

She hesitated on answering, which I didn't like at all.

"You have to take better care of yourself."

"I know. I know," she said, leaning back on the couch.

I got up, walking to the kitchen and getting her a bottle of water and a granola bar.

She gave me an odd look when I walked back in before she saw what I was holding.

"Eat this. Drink that," I told her as I gave them to her.

"Bossy," she said as she opened the granola bar and began eating it.

"I wouldn't have to be if you took care of yourself."

"Stop scolding me," she whined as she drank a bit of water.

"You know if you took care of yourself half as well as you took care of me you would be so much healthier," I told her, which made her smile shyly as she finished the snack bar and drank some more water.

"I'm tired," she admitted as she leaned her head on my shoulder.

"I know," I said, helping her up before I led her to her bedroom. "Let's take a nap."

"Can you play with my hair?" She asked when we laid down on the bed.

"Yes," I giggled a bit.

She hummed in content as she cuddled into my side and I started running my fingers through her hair.

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