Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Wake up, Taryn.

Taryn's eyes opened, meeting shallow darkness. The only light came from the city beyond her bedroom's window, and the only sound was the deep, calm breathing of the man beside her.

Kael was peacefully asleep, one arm curled around Taryn's waist and his hair messily sweeping across his eyes. Taryn had never woken up with Kael asleep beside her, at least not like this, but she was surprised to see how innocent he appeared when he was asleep and so utterly unguarded. She wondered how long it had been since Kael had had an uninterrupted night of sleep, and with that thought in mind she made sure not to wake him as she carefully slipped out from under his arm.

Because Fury had woken Taryn for a reason, and she had felt it the moment her eyes opened. She felt it now.

Like she was being watched.

Taryn pressed her feet to the floor, and as she rose from the bed Fury's armour rippled across her body to cover her. It was an odd sensation, like velvet rolling up her legs and arms, smoothing across her chest and back, and when it was fitted in place she felt a pleasant warmth as if Fury's armour was made to regulate body temperature. She imagined she could be standing out in the snow and not feel the cold at all so long as she wore Fury's armour.

What did you sense? Taryn asked, sparing another glance back to Kael.

She wanted to crawl back into bed and find that nook under his arm which she had grown to love, but she wanted to protect Kael too. She didn't want him to always have to fight, to always be the one risking himself while protecting her. She wanted him to enjoy at least one night of peaceful sleep.

I thought I sensed an Incarnation, Fury told her.

Wouldn't the sanctuary ward activate?

Not until it creates a threat. Besides, if it is in the body of an Immortal then until it reveals itself it will remain undetected, just as I was after you first released me. I kept my energy hidden long enough to enter the Halls, and then revealed myself.

I remember, Taryn quipped.

Reaching the bedroom door, Taryn opened it just enough to slip outside without letting in the dimmed lightning from the grand hall. It was odd to see the grand hall so dim, because although there appeared to be no electrical lights or lanterns the grand hall was always brightly lit as if the light came from the walls and floor themselves. Now, that light had darkened just enough that Taryn wasn't blinded after leaving her room, but she could still see the grand hall with ease as she stood at the balustrade and looked down to the floor below.

And then she heard a whisper.

It was soft, unintelligible, but it reminded Taryn of a snake's hiss. She turned toward the bedroom beside hers, and stared hard at the closed door. There was a small part of her that wanted to wake Kael then, that same part that had relied on him each and every time she was in trouble or scared, but Taryn shook that feeling away.

She moved to the door and gently touched the handle, turning it. The door drifted open, revealing the room that had been far darker than hers due to the closed curtains. She could make out the shape of the bed and the other furniture thanks to the ambience of the grand hall, and although the room should have been empty Taryn knew it wasn't.

So Taryn stepped into the room, her shadow spreading out across the floor in front of her.

But the room was still.

Releasing a breath, Taryn turned away. I don't think—

Something suddenly snagged Taryn around the waist, and her eyes dropped to find a black rope curled around her – yet it wasn't just rope, it was like darkness turned solid. Like a wraith.

The Blood Bracelets #3: Soul ScarredWhere stories live. Discover now