Chapter Nine

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When Kael stepped through the Doorway and into Zed's lounge area, he found the old lupine chuckling at the television. Zed didn't even turn at the presence of the Doorway, but Kael supposed he was used to the constant and unorthodox intrusions by now.

'What are you laughing at?' he asked as the Doorway sealed behind him. He crossed the lounge to where Zed sat on the couch, his feet languidly stretched up onto the coffee table and Silkie the cat curled into a ball of fur in his lap.

'This,' said Zed, pointing to the television. 'The mortals are losing their damn minds. This is some special news report on the recent rise of domestic disputes in the city.'

'Domestic disputes?' asked Kael, leaning against the armrest.

'Nothing violent, yet. Just the usual revenge schemes; keying cars, puncturing tires, spray-painting the word "Cheater" and "Playboy" across houses. There must be a demon out their praying on the jealousy and lust of mortals,' Zed explained.

'Hopefully the Immortals can quell it before things do turn violent then,' Kael remarked as he walked into the kitchen. He felt as if he hadn't eaten in days, so Kael went straight to searching the fridge for a decent meal.

At the back of his mind he was thinking of Taryn; he was waiting to be told that the Doorway to Seth's place had been secured and he could visit freely, because he could feel the distance between them like he was being physically pulled back toward her. He suspected it was the blood bracelet, and that thought alone helped ease some of the tension that had coiled inside him ever since learning that he and Taryn would be separated.

He knew Taryn would be safe with Seth, regardless of whether they were at odds with each other, but something else was unsettling Kael. He was still wary of Fury, even with the power Taryn and the blood bracelet had over her, and he was still wary of the fact that Asmodeus hadn't yet been found, but he couldn't help feeling as if there was something else he needed to be cautious of. Instinct was warning him that something unseen was lurking nearby, and whether that was because of Julius' concern that Lucifer had escaped or for another reason entirely, Kael didn't know.

Whatever it was, Kael feared that they wouldn't know the danger for what it was until it was too late.

Giving up on food, Kael stood back from the fridge and pushed the door shut. He thought of Fury, and wondered if there actually was a way to separate her and Taryn without killing either – but they had seen what Fury was like while in control of Taryn's body, so Kael could only imagine how much worse she would be in her true form.

'All right, what happened?'

Kael turned, finding Zed at the threshold to the kitchen. He folded his arms, and over his shoulder Kael could see Silkie giving him a menacing look, as if he were to blame for making Zed leave the couch.

Kael told Zed what happened at the Halls, though he forwent mentioning the deal Taryn and Fury had made – whatever that deal was – and then stalled to hear Zed's reaction.

Zed said, 'Well, at least you have your girlfriend back – psycho demon notwithstanding.'

'That... wasn't helpful at all,' Kael remarked.

'That's because I'm considering charging people for my help, since I'm not making any money off bounties anymore. No thanks to all of you.'

'I take it that means Ace and Eljae haven't returned to their normal jobs. So how are they?'

Zed's expression changed then, his brow drawing in with concern. 'I don't know. They were out all night, but Eljae came home first in a feral mood and Ace returned just after dawn – more drunk than I've ever seen him before. They're both sleeping now.'

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