Chapter Eight

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Taryn traced the lettering on her blood bracelet, knowing the words to be different than what they had been when she and Kael were first bound by the magic it contained. The moment Kael had reinstated the connection of the blood bracelets was fragmented when Taryn tried to recall it, but last night Kael had helped her remember what she couldn't.

They had spent most of the night talking, about what had happened while Fury had held control and also while Taryn had been unconscious. Fury had remained blissfully behind the wall Taryn had raised in her mind, and since Taryn wasn't that adept at keeping the figurative wall up she had wondered if Fury was simply being cooperative.

If she focused enough, Taryn could shut Fury out like she was raising walls to separate the corners of her mind where Fury usually huddled, but when that focus slipped Fury usually always came rushing back. It was as if she were poised to strike at any moment, just waiting for the chance to regain control when Taryn's grip loosened. But when those walls remained intact, Fury couldn't see or hear anything that Taryn did. It meant Taryn could have a conversation with Kael without feeling like someone was eavesdropping.

But it was strange, and... disconcerting, to have to be so aware of her mind, of being in control of it.

Kael's presence had driven away most of her worries though, at least for a little while. It was last night, when Kael went over the events that saw the blood bracelets reconnected, that Kael had read aloud the new words inscribed on their bracelets – Aeternus.


Taryn wondered why the inscription had changed, and whether it meant anything, but given it was the least of her concerns she hadn't offered it much thought after that.

Taryn picked herself up off the bed and went to the bathroom, her fingers combing at the knots in her hair from lying down. She stepped in front of the mirror and peeled down the neckline of her shirt, scrutinising the mass of black veins marring the skin along her collarbone. It had... Had it spread more?

She frowned, readjusting her shirt so the veins remained covered. It had only been a day since she discovered them but she was sure they had expanded, if only by millimetres.

There was a gentle knock against her bedroom's door, and as Taryn left the bathroom the door opened for Kael to peer through. His eyes landed on her, their viridian colour catching sunlight from the windows.

'Are you ready?' he asked.

Taryn let out a breath, as if she could exhale some of the nervous energy that had been building inside her. She was relieved to be leaving the Halls, but considering the argument that she had had with Seth she wasn't sure how they would handle living together.

'I'm ready,' Taryn replied.

Since Taryn didn't have any belongings with her, there hadn't been anything to pack. Julian had procured her a few sets of clothing, although it had been Kael who delivered them earlier that morning.

She followed Kael out into the corridor, her hand slipping into his, and made their way downstairs into the main hall. Her gaze skimmed the ceiling, but the scorch marks that had marred the ceiling after Fury destroyed the sanctuary ward had been cleaned away. She hadn't been to the library since she woke, if only because she wasn't ready to see the damage left in Fury's wake.

As they descended the staircase though, the library doors began to open. Taryn would've peered inside, but it was Seth who walked out into the main hall – along with Michael.

Seth noticed them first, but it was to their joined hands that his eyes fell to. It was only for a moment, and reactively Taryn let go of Kael. Whether Kael noticed or not, she wasn't sure.

The Blood Bracelets #3: Soul ScarredWhere stories live. Discover now