Chapter Twenty-Four

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When Taryn regained control of her body, she was met with pain.

It wasn't overwhelming though. Thanks to Fury's healing abilities, Taryn could only feel the tenderness of recent injuries and overworked muscles but it was still significant enough to make her pause, to draw in a steadying breath before pushing the pain aside.

Then Taryn looked to Kael, who knelt before her beneath a net made of blood. Even his wings had been tied down, Fury having lassoed her blood-whips around the long talons that tipped the edges of Kael's leathery, demonic wings to stop them from beating against the air.

Taryn's chest tightened with despair as she watched Kael struggle, how he raged beneath the ropes that bound him. She almost convinced herself that it wasn't Kael, because how could it possibly be him?

When she thought of Kael she thought of safety and warmth. To anyone else, maybe Kael seemed cold and detached, or apathetic about life, but Taryn had never felt that. Even after he had first saved her in that warehouse, and even though he had made it seem like a chore to protect her, he had never stopped looking out for her; he had never once decided to abandon her. Kael had a genuine heart, and a kind soul once he let you glimpse it – and when he allowed you into his space, it was warm.

Even after learning Kael was a demon, Taryn had never seen him as one. She had never considered him, or his past, to be monstrous either and because Taryn knew he didn't like to talk about the Animas he once was, and that maybe he was even ashamed of it, she knew that he would hate being like this. He would hate that she was seeing this side of him.

But Kael had accepted Taryn after learning she had a demon's soul, and even after learning of her deal with Fury Kael hadn't lost faith in her. So now Taryn could return that faith, that trust, and do what he did for her – which was to not give up.

Taryn lifted her wrist to inspect the blood bracelet, her other hand gently brushing over the glass surface to feel the warmth emanating from it. Gentle red light pulsed in time with her heartbeat but also, she knew, with Kael's. But how could she use it to save Kael?

There had been so many stories and rumours told to Taryn about the purpose behind the blood bracelets and the implications of a connection once it was made, that she didn't really know what to believe anymore. Whether she was the stronger part of the bond, whether she was bound to only Kael or Kael and Fury, Taryn didn't know.

What she did know, and what she believed, was that the blood bracelet did all things necessary to protect the bond. Even from the very beginning, when Asmodeus had performed a ritual on Taryn to help release Fury and Kael had found her sealed within the ritual's circle, the blood bracelet had helped them break the ritual's circle so Taryn could be freed.

When Seth had kissed Taryn while under Lust's spell, Taryn herself had almost been swallowed by the spell before the blood bracelet snapped her out of it – had reminded her of Kael.

At each crucial moment, the blood bracelet had tried to protect the connection that Taryn and Kael had, which meant it surely would help Taryn now.

Taryn, stop reminiscing and do something, Fury ordered.

A crack pulled Taryn's attention from her thoughts and she found that one of the ropes had broken, allowing Kael to gain a bit more movement in his right arm. He started pulling again, and Taryn heard more and more little fractures as the other ropes began to splinter.

I don't know what to do, Taryn admitted.

Then forget it. I will take over.

No! Taryn protested, holding her hands out where they hovered over Kael's back, just between the joints of his wings. Since Kael's body had been entirely encased in black, onyx-like armour Taryn couldn't see the scar which decorated Kael's spine in the shape of his dagger. She didn't know where Kael's dagger was now, but given it was a part of him – like a reminder of his past – Taryn wondered if it had somehow merged with his body again.

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