Chapter Twenty-Six

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Taryn knew it shouldn't have surprised her, but it did anyway. She felt Gabriel's words like a spear to her chest, and it took a moment before she realised she was holding her breath.

Honestly, what had she expected? Of course they would kill her rather than simply locking her away, because locking her away meant running the risk of her – Fury – escaping. And even though Fury was safe from Lucifer while Taryn maintained control, she was vulnerable to the Angels.

All they had to do was kill Taryn.

I wish to remind you that it was your choice not to run, Fury said pointedly. Whilst I admire your tenacity, Taryn, even Infernum know which battles to fight and which to retreat from.

You don't think we can win this?

I think it doesn't matter whether we, or you, are innocent or not. The outcome will be the same. The Angels wish to rid the world of all Infernum, and they will do whatever it takes to achieve that goal. It doesn't help, Taryn, that your existence is considered sinful – you were never meant to be born, after all.

'Finally, our Guest of Honour has arrived. I hear your house arrest wasn't all that affective,' said Asina, her voice high and clear as she descended the stairs to the grand hall. She was dressed in a crisp, charcoal suit with stiletto-heeled boots and her hair, silver as moonlight, was curled into a bun atop her head with fine strands falling loose to frame her face.

Behind her, Eden was impassive. She wore a dark dress, and seeing how it highlighted her slim figure and curving hips while also flowing at her feet to add a touch of elegance reminded Taryn how much she hated the woman. Not just out of jealousy, of course, but also because she used her demure looks to trick people – like she had done to them. It was her fault Taryn had ended up in Asina's hands, and why Ace and Eljae were sent to prison. Eden may have been following Asina's orders, but she was just as responsible for the damage that followed.

'I care not for your banter, Alchemist Queen,' Gabriel replied, 'only your testimony. You, too, shall be subject to punishment once a decision is made after the trial.'

Asina glowered, and then with a disinterested flick of her hand she marched into the library with Eden following her.

Eljae and Ace came forward to greet Taryn and Kael as they entered the library, and although Taryn was desperate to hear what had happened to them after the Limbus Club she knew they didn't have time to discuss it.

'We'll talk later,' Eljae promised, and then moved to the side of the library with Ace.

The last time Taryn had been in the library, she had watched as Fury destroyed it in her attempt to release Lucifer. The library had been fully repaired since then, not a single crack or scorch mark to be seen, and all the bookshelves lining the walls were upright with not a single book out of place. A crystal chandelier hung from the domed ceiling, and a staircase to the back of the room allowed guests to reach the second floor.

The tables and chairs which usually occupied the floor of the library had all been packed away to keep the floor clear.

'Is Rafael not joining us?' Michael asked as he took his place beside Gabriel.

'Rafael is still brooding somewhere. Leave him,' Gabriel replied.

Taryn swept her gaze around the room again, frowning. Ace and Eljae were standing off to the side, a few paces away from Eden, while Asina stood beside Taryn to face Gabriel, Michael and Julian. Kael begrudgingly moved away from Taryn to join Ace and Eljae when Gabriel gave him a dismissive look.

'What about Seth?' Taryn asked then, looking back to Gabriel. Given what had happened at his place, and how he had seen her use Fury's powers, Taryn thought Seth would be called to testify just like the others. She had also wanted to see him, because despite what had happened and the feelings he had been hiding from her Taryn still cared for him, and wanted to make sure he was all right.

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