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Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia! Enjoy.

Unfortunately, it wasn't Matthew or Arthur but his landlord, so he wan't able to ignore them and call back later.

After discussing his lease for an hour straight (because apparently his landlord was now becoming deaf), Leon finally got the chance to relax. He watched television for a while, then decided to go to bed. It may have been earlier then he typically slept, but he was extra tired that day, so he didn't really mind. Besides, he had to be in to the radio station tomorrow for some sort of meeting.

The morning came much too quickly for Leon's liking. Sun shone through the windows and a gap in the curtain, waking him up an hour earlier than he would have liked. He grumbled as he got up, yanking the curtains shut firmly. Well, there was no way he'd be getting back to sleep at this point.

He took a shower, somehow taking twice the time that he meant to. After making a cup of tea, his hair was dry enough to style, a feat that usually took quite a bit of time. However, thanks to his early morning, he was able to make it to the radio station in plenty of time.

Matthew was already there when he arrived, which was good, because it meant that Leon didn't have to waste his time trying to talk to any of his coworkers (that, to be honest, he wasn't all that fond of, as they were mostly all overbearing). It also meant that he could find out what the meeting was about without getting scolded for not paying attention when the boss was talking about it a few days ago.

"Hey," Matthew greeted when he approached.

The area around the boy smelled distinctly of maple syrup, most likely from the cup of coffee in his hand, and it was such a stereotypical Canadian thing that Leon had to smile. "Morning."

"You're early," Matthew tipped his cup back.

"Yeah. The sun woke me up earlier than usual." He crinkled his nose, still unhappy about it.

Matthew laughed quietly. Well, most things about him were quite. "At least it made you get here on time. This is actually pretty important."

"Yeah, about that..." Leon shifted. "What's this all about again?"

"You weren't paying attention? Again?" When Leon nodded, Matthew rolled his eyes. "We're giving tours today, you dip!"

"Oh yeah, kinda forgot about that..." Leon rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

"You don't say?"

"You know Matt, you can be the most sarcastic little shit."

Matthew grinned, turning to dump his empty cup in the trash. "Oh, I know. It's fun to surprise people."

Leon laughed. Matthew was sweet, but in the blink of an eye he could turn into a devil. Which was why he was careful never to get on his bad side. He may be older, but he didn't want to wake up to no power in his apartment again. Leon still wasn't sure how Matthew had even done that, but after that incident he was more careful with the Canadian.

"Anyways, we're splitting into pairs, and Beilschmidt's bringing the people who're touring up soon."

Leon blinked. "Can you pick who you tour with? Because I'd rather not pair with any of them," he gestured to the rest of the radio cast.

"Yeah. I'll be your partner," Matthew nodded.

"Well that's what I was getting at."

He made a face, then turned when footsteps and light chatter could be heard. "I guess they're here now."

You don't say.

Ludwig Beilschmidt was the blond young man who ran the studio. He had an iron will, but bent easily to that of his partner, Feliciano. Thanks to him, the station ran smoothly. Thanks to Feliciano, no one got fired when they made a simple (or more elaborate) mistake.

"You'll be split into groups and be shown around by two people. You are not to leave your group at any point," he looked around sternly. "Anyone who is found sneaking around will be asked to leave and not be invited back. Am I clear?"

Several people mumbled 'yes' and nodded their heads. Leon guessed that they were too excited to risk being kicked out and most likely banned.

"I'll be splitting you up in a moment. If you're chaperoning a group, come to the front."

Leon and Matthew made their way to the front of the crowd. Why did so many people want to take a tour? It was just a building.

It took a minute, but Matthew and Leon got their group and started off. Leon observed their group for a moment. They were showing around five teenagers, ranging from what looked like fourteen to eighteen.

A brunet with green eyes looked around attentively, talking softly to a blond with glasses.

The smallest boy was quivering. Leon hoped it was out of excitement, but figured that it was probably due to the hand resting on his shoulder. It belonged to another blonde, this one with purple eyes and who was, oddly enough, wearing a scarf indoors.

Leon started as his eyes passed over the last person in their group. It was none other than Emil, who smiled at him when he saw Leon looking.

Should I really be that surprised? He seems like he's a huge fan of the station...

Pointing things out to this group of oddballs (including one insane looking person, someone he expected to pass out from fear any minute, and someone who he felt oddly comfortable with but was a fan) for the next few hours with someone who was remarkably sassy but was somehow also the shyest person in the world around most people didn't seem like something he was going to do every day, or hopefully ever again.

He could already feel the stress setting in.

So, this chapter is exactly 1k, excluding author's notes and disclaimers. This chapter is almost a week late. I have no excuse.

I'm still as utterly exhausted as I was the last time I uploaded a chapter. It isn't getting better, and I don't know how to make myself sleep at a good time. School is starting up soon, so that's bad.

I'm just letting you know now, although every single one of you is lovely and none of you are demanding at all, if, when school starts, I feel like writing this or another story is getting in the way of school work, I will choose school work over this story. My education is a bigger commitment.

I'm going into high school. I don't want to start off badly, or it could effect my entire life. So, if it gets too much, this story may go on hiatus/rare updates. All of my stories might, or one, or two. I don't know.

With that out of the way, I hope you all liked the chapter. I hope it wasn't bad due to me being stressed. Have a lovely day or night, wherever you are.

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