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You're listening to Leon on eighty-seven point five the dive...

The familiar clip of someone splashing water sounded from the booth. Get ready, here comes the storm!

Leon rolled his eyes at the cheesy intro. The station made as many puns as possible with the introductions, but all the same, it was his and his alone, and he had grown to love it rather quickly.

A red light blinked on top of the central camera, signaling that yes, Leon was live on the radio's website now. Raising a hand towards it, Leon gave a small smile. "Hey guys. First up we've got our number one hit on the charts for this week..." His fingers played out over the keys as he talked, setting the song up and pressing play.

As the song played, Leon looked around the station. It was like any other time he broadcasted- a few technicians here and there, the cameras being worked by familiar faces, and finally, the screen to his front left that let him see things as they were being shown live. It was a cool feature that had been added only recently, and Leon was grateful for it. With its help, he was able to correct things about his physical appearance much more quickly and subtly.

The song ended, and Leon moved on to his next bit. It was harder to be a radio personality by himself, as he had no partner to joke around or interact with, but he got along well enough. The viewers seemed to like him, though there were a few comments and questions on when and if he would ever get a radio partner.

Management was looking, but as of the moment, chances were bleak. None of the people they interviewed had been up to standards, apparently.

The show went on as usual, no major flaws. Maybe a hiccup here or there with the syncing, but other than that, the broadcast went smoothly. Leon adjusted his custom headphones, preparing to do his next and probably favorite segment. It didn't really have a name, but it did have an intro, which he keyed up.

It might have been childish of him (forget it, it was childish of him), but when he and the producers had sat down to discuss his show a few months ago, at the beginning of his contract, one of his ideas for a segment had been prank calls. Childish and overdone, sure, but it was still funny and Leon liked doing it. The viewers didn't have a problem with it for the most part, and besides, it wasn't as if Leon was completely uncreative, he had put his own spin on it. If he did say so himself, it was rather brilliant on his part.

And he did say so, no matter how arrogant it may make him.

Another few music videos were queued up, which freed Leon to get ready. The numbers were submitted by the people who watched and listened to his radio station- they gave numbers of friends and family members, and he called them on air after being in contact with the submitter. It was fun, and it was also safe, because Leon had made sure that all of the personal information that could be given was disposed of or kept off-air.

There was no need for the station or him to be sued for something that could have easily been prevented. Leon wasn't one for unnecessary stupidity, thank you very much.

He changed as quickly as possible, ready for the day's scenarios. The fans always came up with some brilliant, stupid, and downright hilarious pranks, which were simultaneously tweeted, tumbled, and facebooked with any numbers for submition. They would then be randomly chosen by the producers and other station members, and would then be acted out, live on radio.

It was usually interesting, and it was a good thing that Leon was naturally inclined to a stoic expression and being able to keep his composure, because they usually got intense quickly.

Two music videos had passed when he returned, and a third was starting. He let it play, replacing his bulkier headphones with a headset that would allow him to become independent from the sound board. Movement now unrestricted, Leon started to adjust his costume. The first of the three calls that he would do was tweeted from California- the girl wanted him to prank call her mother, saying that she owed a thousand dollars to her public library.

So, to fit the part, he was dressed in a simple button down shirt and black slacks, black dress shoes adorning his feet. Fake glasses perched on his nose, and a slightly too large name tag was pinned to his shirt, reading 'Mr. Librarian'.

Soon enough, the music ended and Leon fixed the microphone on his headset. "We're about to call our first prank-caller of the night." There was the ringing of a phone before it was picked up.

"Hello?" The excited voice of a girl came onto the phone.

"Hi, is this Katie?"

"Yes, it is..." Katie laughed quietly, making Leon feel like he was on top of the world for a moment. Hearing the effects of something that he was doing, that he loved to do and was lucky enough to make a living off of, it was amazing for him.

"Alright, Katie, you want us to call your mom and tell her that she owes a thousand dollars to your library, is that right?"

There was a sound of conformation from the other end of the line.

"First, what's the name of your library?"

""It's called Macksville Central Library." Katie responded.

Leon smiled. "Alright. We'll get this going then."

There was an 'okay' from Katie, then the phone was ringing again, this time to Katie's mom. After three rings, the line picked up. "Hello?" A woman who sounded remarkably like Katie asked.

"Hello, is this Angelica Delvin?" Leon said in a business-like tone.

"Yes, it is..." She sounded reasonably confused, and Leon almost felt bad. But he didn't.

"This is the Macksville Central Library. We've called to inform you that you currently owe nearly one thousand dollars on your card."

There was silence. "That can't be right. I haven't checked out a book in months, and I certainly don't owe a thousand dollars!"

She was getting angry more quickly than most, Leon noted. "I'm sorry ma'am, I'm just going off of what my records say here."

"I don't care what your records say! I'm not paying you a thousand dollars that I don't owe!" Angelica was ranting, going down the road towards making an ass of herself on the radio. He let her continue for a little while before, face red with the strain of not laughing- the angry ones were the best-, he interrupted.

"Okay, okay Katie? You can come on now."

Katie immediately burst into laughter, which nearly sent Leon over, too.

"What? What's going on? Katie?" Her mom snapped, irritated.

"You're on eighty-seven point five the dive, mom."

"The prank call segment, ma'am."

Eventually the end of the call was sorted out, Katie departed, and Leon was left 'aloe' in the studio. His urge to laugh had dimmed somewhat, but he still did. People who saw him on the streets or briefly at home, if they were family members, seemed to think that he was incapable of expressing emotion. He wasn't, the right scenarios just had to be present.

Setting up the next music video, he left to change again, thoroughly looking forward to the rest of the show.

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