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Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia!

Leon could not believe how quickly five people could drive him mad. (Six if he counted Matt, and at this point he was close to doing so.)

Three of the five people they were showing around made it plainly clear that the scarf-wearing member of the group (apparently named Ivan) made them uncomfortable. He was a bully, of sorts, and didn't seem to pick up well on hints, continuously insisting that he and the same three group members that he was terrorizing were in fact close friends.

Matt was making a valiant attempt to control Ivan, who acted as if he wasn't there at all. The Canadian was actually getting sort of riled up, which didn't make him any more effective than before. In fact, it was bordering on disturbing the work of the employees of the station. Leon had a feeling that Ivan was going to get kicked out of the group soon.

Leon didn't understand how the Russian could keep so friendly and be so terrifying at the same time. He was very glad that Matt was dealing with him already, even if that did mean that Leon had to actually say something about the station to be 'educational'.

Emil was sticking a little more closely to Leon's side, and whether that was to avoid the gaze of Ivan or because they kind of knew each other, he didn't know. Maybe he was actually interested in the tidbits of information he was offering. Emil grasped the sleeves of his sweater, listened intently while Leon gave the tour (who would've guessed that he'd be the one to actually do work today instead of Matt), and looked around with wide, interested eyes.

Emil was pretty soft spoken and polite, with a tendency to look slightly to the left of whoever he was talking to, like he was afraid of making eye contact. Leon could've sworn he'd had no such qualms before, but perhaps he was mistaken. He had habits of biting his lip and speaking with his hands and Leon couldn't help but notice how damn cute the Icelander was.

In other words, he was slowly killing Leon.

Just as they were coming to the end of the tour, Leon turned to Emil. The other was saying a quiet goodbye to Matthew, even thanking him for the tour though he spent most of it trying to control Ivan, and Leon became hopelessly endeared.

Woah there. Slow down, buckaroo. Don't want to do anything rash.

"... Do you want to get lunch with me tomorrow?"

God damn it.

Emil looked towards him again, and even though there wasn't direct eye contact for more than a second, Leon could still see the surprise in his expression. How annoyingly cute.

"Uh, sure!" Emil exclaimed, eyes actually shifting to his own for a moment. They soon moved just barely to his left, because he was probably nervous now (if he hadn't been before), wasn't he.

Leon counted it as a win anyways.

"Is- Um, are you working tomorrow, or no? I get out of class at eleven, and have to be back at campus at two, but that sounds-" he paused for a minute, struggling. "That sounds lovely."

"Anywhere in particular you want to go? You're new to the area, aren't you? You can try out some high-quality 'American cuisine'." He made air quotes around the last words, trying to think of an example.

The other shrugged. "I... didn't actually look all that closely when I was walking around. Must've been distracted, or something."

"Or something." He repeated. Damn, a cutie with his head in the clouds who was also a fan of his, and he just asked him to lunch.

Was it a date? Did Emil see it as a date? Did Leon want it to be a date? ( Yes.) Did Emil? Who knows.

"We can just decide tomorrow, if that's okay? We could walk around a bit." Emil still looked nervous, but then again, how often does someone ask you out? In Leon's experience, not very.

"Awesome." Leon offers the other a grin, "See you tomorrow, then? I've got to get ready for the next tour."

"Definitely." Emil looked, plainly, like he was trying not to say or do anything that might cause Leon to change his mind. Not that he would, because that would be rude for one, and also Leon didn't even want to retract his invite.

He imagined the look that would cross Emil's face if he did, and the resulting pang almost didn't surprise him. Almost. But disappointing and hurting Emil like that (in other words, being a douche) wasn't an option.

Arthur would tell him that it's unacceptable for Leon to have asked him out. On an outing? Whatever. That it'd only been, like, a week since he'd met Emil and that it was weird. He didn't know this person, what was he thinking?

But wasn't the point of dates and hanging out to get to know a new person? How else does one expand their friend group and meet new people? Screw Arthur, he could ask out whoever he wanted to, for whatever reasons he wanted to.

"Great, see you later!"

Matt had already shown the other members of their tour group to the door, and Leon made sure to wave to the frazzled Icelandic as he was on his way out.

The Canadian gave him a very familiar knowing look, to which Leon scoffed. "You don't know anything, Matt. You just eavesdrop on everyone, you boorish beast."

Matt rolled his eyes. "I can't help it that everyone is just so loud, and that I have good hearing." A devious smile appeared on his face. "Besides, I could already tell you liked him. You were smiling most of the time you were talking to him."

Leon's face flushed. "Shut up," he whined.

"You two looked like a couple of neeeeeeeerds."

"Shut up!" He groaned, putting his face in his hands. "Holy shit, is that why you were so intent on getting that Russian guy to stop being a dick?"

Matt's smile grew into a smirk. "Perhaps."

Leon punched the Canadian in the arm. "You're an asshole."

"Love you too."

Guess who's back back back

Back again-gain-gain

pls do not murder me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2015 ⏰

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